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Posts posted by Disclaimer

  1. No offense to the others that showed up. I'm trying to fuck with the fat kid on the Kawasaki who lurks here, comes out to ride and leaves early because he is a sissy that can’t ride more than 150 miles.

    We had a guest appearance from Jbctown who ride with us for 20 miles. I don't know if he does bike work for a living or just a hobby, I know he does car work but if I wreck a bike and want to keep it I will try to get him to do the bodywork. His bike has been down and it is beautiful.

    +1, jbc does great work, but sadly doesn't pimp out his skillz on here. Maybe that's intentional though.

  2. Here's my question, esp since we on this site are for equal rights. Say a man and women has a one night stand, women gets pregnant. Man says oh no we made a mistake let's get an abortion. Women says no. Ok it takes 2 to to make a baby but 1 to keep? So she decides to keep this baby gets welfare food stamps government housing etc for her and said baby and father of baby has to pay child support for a child he knew would a financial burden on him, her and government. Where's the man's opt out?

    The opt out was not to sleep with her in the first place. :dunno:

  3. Yea, had I known everyone else was going to flake out on going back to the racetrack today, I probably would've ridden with you guys. I had my lawn mowed by 9:45am, so I could've geared up and went. You and stumpy may've even passed me out mowing if you were coming from home.

    This is what I get for trying to be less selfish and trying to accommodate others. Blew my whole Sunday only to end up napping in my chair.

  4. arent kids a life time commitment? you cant just raise them to 18 and say fuck off because youre 50 something and want to party....moving out was the best thing i ever did, but if i wanted to move back because i was having a hard time in life and i was told no, i would remember that shit when my mom was 70 something and asking to move into my place so i could take care of her

    You're making the assumption that you and the OPs kids will actually amount to something when they're older.

    On the other hand, if you take in your minimum wage making, lazy-ass, uneducated daughter or son and coddle them through their adult lives, then they aren't going to have enough money or caring to put you in one of those nicer nursing homes NOT featured on 20/20 anyway. But you will be able to take solace in the fact that, at least they won't have an inheritance since it'll all be spent on your own healthcare.

    And thus you end up with a future generation living on the social support system. Once that hole is dug, I've heard it's pretty hard to dig out of... may take a few more generations to get another financially independent contributor to society from that family tree.

  5. See now I wouldn't have told you to Fuck off if you said it that way. I don't think my political views have any weight on whether or not I can raise a child. You have called me names think way back (racist, troll, and others ). Name calling is not the only form of disrespect you've shown. To be fair you have had my number since day 1. I've left you alone, but you can't seem to put our political difference down for a rational discussion.

    And, as I stated, my record isn't 100% blemish-free, but you know as well as I do that the "racist" comment was a sarcastic response to mock your hypocrisy in a thread where you clearly wanted everyone to know how brash you were. I don't recall ANY other times I've called you a name and I think you'd be hard pressed to find more examples than that ONE. It's you that fancy the derogatory labels, the asshat emoticons, and the exclamatory insults.

    If you can't grow up and put our differences aside to actually offer advice then butt out. I asked for help because I am not informed about retirement and college funding so I asked for help. Isn't that mature? Knowing your short commings and seeking help?

    It's good asking for help where you know you're deficient, I haven't berated that. But, it's funny you keep telling ME to grow up, when you're leaving visitor messages on my wall


    Today 10:08 PM


    Fuck off :asshat:

    And even took the trouble to PM me during my hiatus to poke at me. It seems it's you that wants to antagonize me, not me antagonize you. I've don't think I've ever initiated any communication with you, yet you leave visitor messages, PMs, comment on my photos, use my screenname in other threads, leave me negative rep (which I've never retaliated with). The only thing I feel I'm guilty of, is continually stirring the pot with you just so you can publicly show that you have maturity issues. If you don't like what the "public" has to say, then don't put it in public and you won't have to throw your e-tantrums.

    And don't get me wrong, I'm not offended by the "asshat" or "fuck off!" or any of the political terms you like to associate negative connotations with that you may think are clever jabs... I dish it out, I can take it. It just shows how small-minded your views are and your general ignorance of the world around you.

    Anyway I will put you back on ignore since you can't put your big boy pants on!

    Bolded for the massive irony.

    And for historical purposes before the great deer slayer locks this up, IBTL and IBIP!!! :)

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  6. Rational? :lol:

    I really think you should troll elsewhere unless you can add something usefull.

    If you don't want to add useful info then Justin Fuck off, with all due respect!

    I've been nothing but civil, no swearing, no name calling. That's your route, and while I'm not 100% blemish-free, I don't stoop to it very often.

    I offered to look at your issue from an alternative perspective and try to encourage some self-reflection on what your goals and motives really are for this thread and I get nothing in return but swearing and immaturity.

    I still stand by the fact that if your personality and political philosophy that you've shown in your fervent posts in many of the threads can't handle disagreements without resorting to the forum equivalent of temper tantrums and without doing a little critical thinking of your own, then you may not yet have the necessary emotional intelligence to handle a child. You may build that skill set as you mature and you may also be financially savvy enough by that point to know the correct path.

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