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Posts posted by Disclaimer

  1. I think my biggest issue is "coaching" (ie. play calling as you said), followed by the fact that my brain doesn't trust the QB in the pocket, so any passing plays I run are strictly shots in the dark because I don't have enough time to sit and actually look to a receiver. I check the primary receiver and throw, or don't and get sacked.

  2. Holy 14 pages of DUI/Text/OMGWTFBBQ bitchfest. I shouldn't have waited so long to follow this.

    The only real solution to this "problem". Assuming you think it truly is a rampant problem is: make vehicles 100% driverless (hattip to Google).

    Therefore no distraction issue, no DUI, no worries. Requires a mandate from the gov't + another gov't agency ensure compliance of all new vehicles (review electromechanical systems, algorithm source code, etc. almost like an extension of CARB now). Prices skyrocket for new vehicles.

    If a ban was imposed, I am disappointed with the supposed "Constitutionalists", that want this to be at the federal level rather than the state level.

    I'm also disappointed with the "follow the money"-club that didn't point out in the OP's article that:

    It would apply to hands-free as well as hand-held devices, but devices installed in the vehicle by the manufacturer would be allowed, the NTSB said

    ...could possibly just be a money grab from Automotive OEs and Tier 1 Infotainment suppliers. Lobby for this mandate + higher consumer cost = profit. OnStar + OE bluetooth in my truck, FTW!

    Some of the other good points were already raised by various people. I just find it interesting that an article/debate such as thing brings out a lot of inconsistencies in people's views regarding the gov't as a "nanny state" vs. freedom "at a cost".



    Ohh, and interesting anecdote: I work with the guy sent to inspect the brakes on that bus in Missouri (I'm pretty sure he said he did this one). He does a lot of accident investigations and has a lot of gory stories he can tell - like, most of the time, they don't clean the vehicles so they can be inspected "as-is", so there are still blood/guts on the seats.

  3. Of course you post the ONE incident of police being over the top, what about all the articles of the police who've been hospitalized because of all those violent, lazy hippies? :lol:

    So many people think this country is going to 'hell in a hand basket', yet when these Occupiers actually exercise their Constitutional rights to DO SOMETHING about it, they're looked down upon by those same armchair quarterbackers who say the country is going in the crapper. Who're the lazy ones again?

  4. This is why I tend to get off the "jump to conclusions" mat.

    Time and alternative views tend to have a way of explaining the full story.

    Cheech is right though... still doesn't explain why the police were there trying to break up their Constitutional right to protest to begin with...

    Here's a thought, don't/can't want/afford the tuition at a school, go to a cheaper fucking school. I didn't want to pay for LEO classes at osu so I chose to go to c state. Very happy I did because I got to spend the extra money the gov't gave me for school on other shit, like gas/exhaust for my bike. It's a win/win.

    :wtf::nono: Nothing like adding more debt for "priorities".

  5. Ever think that the drone was intentionally hacked by us to be planted in Iran? Let Iran think they have our technology, but it's really a bunch of other surveillance equipment that they just picked up and drug back into their "home" willingly... just like we wanted them to. Ie. a "trojan drone"

    Jon Stewart has his tin foil hat on.... :)


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