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Posts posted by Disclaimer

  1. The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.
    Ahh that's the best u guys got? Lets see between my 2009 "budget" bmw 328i, old old dated 93' rb25det powered 240sx coupe, my old ass 01' cbr929(that i'll eat your ass alive on any day, rain or shine), a piece of shit (im sure by ur standards) cbr600f2, and a harley custom that im building myself thats near completion (everyone has a hand built bike, so its nothing to be boast about right), all my shit runs and is paid off. And considering my salary would make ur head pop off and I have the luxury of sitting at work and can tell your bitch ass to fuck off. OH yeah I cursed! You homos ain't shit, never was shit, and wont be shit, with all that being said....good morning bitches, im actually starting to feel like an active member on this forum now. Piss and dick bars, my treat gentleman come get it while its hot.


  2. Personal charity has nothing to do with social programs. As a liberal, you'd know nothing about that. Statistically, conservative households donate on average 30% more than liberal households. Hell, conservatives even donate more blood than liberals. But you know, that's probably why liberals want to kill Christmas, too. It probably has nothing to do with being "fair" to others. More likely, it's because they're too damned much like that Scrooge pic you posted. Merry Christmas fuckstick.

    For everyone else, I encourage you to commit a random act of kindness for a complete stranger this Christmas season. This is what it's all about.

    Classy. Besides liberal, fuckstick, and douchebag, there any other labels you want to personally adorn me with while the getting is good? Also, start making sure you give me those labels so you don't have to have the mental strain of judging me as an individual, but lumping me in with whatever preconceived views you have for those labels. It works for Charles from Salem, could work for you too.

    I never said anything about how anyone, regardless of political party, race, creed, sex, religion shouldn't do something nice or act a little altruistic for the holidays. You guys were the one to turn it into "bash the liberal asshat for pointing out there's piss in our Wheaties, when he should just let us enjoy our Wheaties", whatever.

    The "holier than thou" crowd can continue to judge the poor and moan about welfare via the anecdotes they read about someone abusing the system, while they continue to pat themselves on the back for doing something nice during the holidays, because they "chose" to give, rather than be forced to via taxes. Paying off someone's layaway purchases may be a nice gesture and a moral victory, but no one seems to want to look at the root cause of why these people are down on their luck and help them out with a long term solution to their problems. Yet, there are people (including some on this board) who have nothing but disdain for the poor, regardless of if they're working or not, they make judgements and assumptions and have no problem voicing them in other threads, but for some reason, when it's spun from the angle of "We are givers", it's nothing but praise and self-congratulations. I don't understand that. :dunno:

    The douchebag meter went crazy when you started posting. Had to neutralize the douchbaginess before there was a catastrophic meltdown.

    :rolleyes: Whatever you say, sir. I'll be sure to mind my P's and Q's so as not to offend anyone's differing viewpoints on here since they obviously can't handle it. I will be assimilated. :bow:

    • Upvote 2
  3. That's nice and all, but how do we know these people who can't afford toys for their kids aren't the same people spending their welfare money on flat-screen TVs, cherry blunts, and Old Milwaukee?

    Right from the article...

    A Kmart in Plainfield Township, Mich., called Roberta Carter last week to let her know a man had paid all but 40 cents of her $60 layaway. Carter, a mother of eight from Grand Rapids, Mich., said she cried upon hearing the news. She and her family have been struggling as she seeks a full-time job. "My kids will have clothes for Christmas," she said.
    Get a job! Even if it's minimum wage... especially if you're struggling to put clothes on your kids

    Angie Torres, a stay-at-home mother of four children under the age of 8, was in the Indianapolis Kmart on Tuesday to make a payment on her layaway bill when she learned the woman next to her was paying off her account.
    Stay at home mother, c'mon. If your husband can't afford the bills for you and four kids on his own, then you need to pickup the slack!


    Seriously though, it's a very nice gesture and heartwarming that people pay-it-forward... but I have a hard time reconciling that people read stories like this and say how awesome it is, yet turn around and judge others on welfare when they don't know the circumstances.

    People do nice things for others - no one makes negative assumptions on how the 'others' got to where they are

    People use a WIC card or food stamps - judgement starts and people critique them on every other purchase or item they have.

    Just sayin'. Happy holidays! :)

    • Upvote 3
  4. It isn't Obama's fault? Really? But the war in Iraq was Bush's fault. You've stated that numerous times.

    That was Bush's fault.

    You don't understand the timeline of events? Study some history?

    Bush asked for war, publicly and falsely declares Iraq has WMDs (not to mention Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11)

    Congress approved

    Bush signs order, we go to a war for almost a decade in a sovereign country using funds we didn't have (since he was simultaneously giving huge tax breaks for the "job creators" who didn't create any jobs in the last decade).

    Obama wants economic stimulus

    Congress bickers, GOP stomps their feet takes their balls home because he's a Muslim with no real birth certificate

    Finally gets watered down stimulus, better than nothing

    Obama signs order

    So, yea...

  5. Yep, all his fault because everything he's implemented has been successfully passed right through congress...


    Though I've got no excuse for why the Dems are such pu$$ies. It seems as if GOP members are like a nagging wife. They pitch a fit over every little reasonable thing that the Dems just give up reasoning or compromising anymore regardless of the consequences... "Yes, dear"-syndrome

  6. Hmm... I dunno, but if I was a betting man, I'd say I'd doubt it.

    I'm pretty sure the courts think there's a big difference between intentionally disseminating classified docs and negligently disseminating them. Regardless of the fact that the information is now "out there" in either case.

    Manning should've just thrown his discs in the trash for "someone" to find later.

  7. if people live off the system and do so comfortably, where is the motivation for them to change things? ive known people who get on assistance in a hard time and end up staying on it because they say they are better off financially living off the system than they are at a minimum wage job...yet if you work for minimum wage youre not poor enough to qualify for assistance. where is the incentive to work to better yourself, when somebody is providing everything you need and more?

    Me, sarcastic? Naaah. :p

    Your idea of "comfortably", and my idea of "comfortably" is probably different.

    If the people getting aid are happy with their life as it is, fine. What's the reason that the threshold is set to skew people towards "living off the system" rather than finding minimum wage jobs? And even at minimum wage, it's not like there's a ton of money left after expenses to save for college or put a nest egg into your 401k -- so you're still stuck supporting the elderly because they were living hand to mouth their entire lives.

    And then you bring kids into the picture, it's obviously their fault that their parents are poor right? (sarcasm again). So, how soon in life do they need to understand that they can't have the gameboy or cable TV because their parents are poor?

    How do you incentivize ambition when it's not innate? People don't even take care of themselves by eating right or exercising, so what makes you think you can somehow transform them to ambitious go-getters with some sense of self-pride -- they have to want it for themselves. Unless you want to fund giving poor people 'life coaches' or shrinks, because I doubt they have the spare income to hire someone to tell them how screwed up they are.

    What's better than the Super Bowl? Hyperbole. Now' date=' listen....

    Welfare queens are a myth. This girl is clearly lying. (read: Republican)[/quote']

    One article doesn't change that fact. I can't prove she's lying, just as well as you can't prove she's telling the unbiased truth, other than validating she actually worked for Walmart.

  8. To stop the raging jealousy/penis-envy everyone has of the "poor" because they have so many things they didn't earn and ya'll don't have -- there is a way to fix it.

    How about we get the gov't to make a list of things they can't have (flat screen TVs, iAnythings, a vehicle less than 3 years old), and then pay social workers to follow them around and make sure they don't get to have any of those things?

    *If someone gifts them an iPad, they have to return it or cut off their gov't cheese.

    *If they inherent a shiny new vehicle from a relative that passed, they have to sell it immediately or get cut off.

    Now, granted, we'll have to increase your state/local taxes to cover the added bureaucracy to make sure these poor people aren't gaming the system, but you're good for that right? You're willing to pay MORE in order to ensure these people get LESS.

    The only way to help the poor, is to keep them poor until they decide they don't want to be poor anymore, amirite?

  9. I love how the girl took the time to really do a deep dive into her work, getting to know all these fraudsters on a personal level to know that they're gaming the system and it's rampant everywhere.

    It's obvious that everyone that shops at Walmart is likely to be a welfare fraudster. I mean, as a cashier she may come in contact with maybe 200-300 people a day, and the vast majority are obviously scamming the system on our dime.

    And, what about Walmart? I mean, just cashing in all that gov't money and looking the other way as these people defraud the system. I'm sure the executives are rolling their eyes at these scam artists all the way to the bank.

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