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Posts posted by Disclaimer

  1. I hate how they treat existing customers like second class citizens.. :nono:

    Razr reviews I've read make it seem ok, I haven't read how people are dealing with any hard reset issues (since the battery is sealed).

    I've kinda been waiting for the Samsung Galaxy Nexus with ICS, but I'm reading there's a lot of bugs with it. Also :nono:

  2. Meh. Leave Cleave alone. There are worst guilty pleasures than Nickelback. Besides, some people have to like them or else they wouldn't be where they are.

    Now, his Justin Bieber collection... I have no defense for him there.

  3. Like John said, torrents themselves aren't illegal, it's the content.

    Nowadays you're better off getting music via http/https sources so you're not sharing. Files are hosted a TON of places if you just look.

    Otherwise, I hope you're behind a proxy if you're dabbling in not-so-legal trading.

  4. Best Buy and Wally world are having video game sales

    (I'd like to get BF3 and Madden for $30 ea.)

    But I'm not going to fight the crowds for them. I'd also like to get a good deal on a couple new smartphones from Verizon.

    I saw a news story two days ago of people already camping out in front of a Best Buy in FL. Even if you save $500 on something, you've spent 100hrs of your life doing it... so $5/hr less the cost of any incidentals (food, propane), and it just goes downhill from there...

    Bottom line, people are stupid, black friday is stupid, and the markups on consumer goods to wring every last dollar out of the American consumer is.... American.


  5. There is a 72hr period to return a NEW car from a dealership, when I get back on my computer, i'll post the ORC section. Used cars and private party sales are different and you sold it as-is.

    Basically, iirc, ORC says you can basically get any new vehicle on a 72hr test drive... though you have to go through the entire purchase process as if you were buying the vehicle.

    Nevermind, I was mistaken. The 72 hour policy only applies to very specific transactions. I think my confusion was that I looked it up before, but trying to recall it again I made the wrong association. (I'll go back to the original post and edit it so people don't read it as internet gospel).

    There are some interesting provisions though.





    Chapter 1302: SALES


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