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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Disclaimer

    cod mw3 ?

    Someone convince me which is better MW3 or BF3....??? I'm gonna get ONE at least.
  2. This thread reminds me why no one here is part of the 1% and never will be. It also reminds me why most other 1st world countries are outclassing us in most OCED metrics.
  3. For Pauly... Conquering La Carrera Panamericana 2011 http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/577/11453/Motorcycle-Article/Conquering-La-Carrera-Panamericana-2011.aspx
  4. It mattered enough for you to start a thread trolling it... no?
  5. Ok, so take it up with the state dept. from '00 to '08 why they didn't use Bush's book And I take it by the lack of response that you haven't read Obama's book. Id post what the subject matter is, but im on a cell phone and not a computer.
  6. I use Bush as an example because its RECENT and usually because 'if its its good for the goose, it should be good for the gander' to keep the hypocrites at bay. Obviously this isn't an example because they didn't buy Bush's or Clinton's books, but has anyone actually read the books listed in the article? Maybe the subject matter is relevant to diplomacy vs. Bush or Clinton books which, iirc, are memoirs post-presidency, which aren't really relevant until after-the-fact. So, you're accusing the state dept of laundering money to the president? Really, that's where you wanna take this argument? I'm only hung up on it because I got trolled into the 'where are all the Obama defenders in this thread?' comment, plus - I had time to argue in between test runs.
  7. While many here enjoy the baseless name calling, accusations, and general perjorative nature of your posts Charles from Salem, you let me know when you want to get beyond a 5th grade level of debate tactics and want to have an adult discussion. Mmmkay?
  8. This. Per the article Casper posted: 1) These decisions were made by people in the state dept. 2) Its common to give books away as gifts of diplomacy 3) Obama personally stands to gain, what, around $6,000? And he typically donates over 40x that much each year. So, 90% of that money went to whatever publishing company printed the books, "creating" or keeping those jobs... I figured the conservatives would be happy about that So, there's nothing to defend. No matter what Obama does or doesn't do - haterz gon hate. Billions spent by Bush playing in the Iraqi sandbox, and people are raising a fuss over $70k of "waste" on diplomacy that wasn't even directed by Obama to buy his books. Got it.
  9. I'd take 1 good EMT/Firefighter for $80k a year over 2 shitty ones at 40k a year
  10. Casper would reply, but he was banned for threatening you too.
  11. You know what I like to do? Read a 20 page thread (2 pages if you're NinjaNick) about that a tool I am, then make another thread acting like I knew nothing about the first thread hoping no one will call me on it.
  12. An energy subsidy or other govt subsidies aren't handouts? I'll have to remember that. And you'll have to explain the funny... funny haha funny? Funny because its true funny? When 90%+ of your manufacturing business comes from the big 3, and 40% of that vanishes overnight... you don't believe that would've affected Ford? If I price widget 'A', say a door hinge assembly, on a production run of 3M parts a year, and all of a sudden 1.2M parts ordered are cancelled, you don't think that'll have an impact on the revenue I'd lose, the price per piece of what I sell to Ford now, or the fact that I might not even be able to afford the payments of my labor, lease, and equipment when they are only running at 60% the operational effectiveness? I'd be better to just file bankruptcy, close shop, and walk away with what I have. But Ford will just find another supplier of door hinges right? If they're smart, which they probably are, they likely already have 2 or 3 separate suppliers for key components - ya know, a supply base diversification strategy. The door hinge probably isn't one of those 'key' components, but let's say it is... good luck getting the other suppliers to ramp up to those kind of production levels overnight. The demand planner would shit bricks. And, you're probably sharing those OTHER suppliers with GM too... so they're in the same boat as the first scenario. So, just start fresh right? Lucky for you, when GM forced me to go bankrupt with my last company, I repurchased all those assets back from the bank for pennies on the dollar, renamed the company, and fired it right back up. It just took a few weeks. What do you think it costs Ford to idle their production line when they don't have the right parts? Its on the scale of Millions of dollars per HOUR. Try doing that for 4 weeks. Last scenario I can imagine is starting fresh with a new supplier. With the timeline and cost it takes to make production tooling, PPAPing, and meeting the stringent quality standards of automotive OEs... that'll be an even greater economic penalty than if you lucked out going back to a 'renamed' supplier post-bankruptcy. So, I still don't get the funny
  13. Silly copper, the only way to run from the chopper is on a ZX9R through the winding roads of New Philly.
  14. It's hard to find a room in multiplayer... it seems most Forza people are loners in career-mode. I do like that Forza now has car "soccer" like in Top Gear, and the "Cat and Mouse" game that was in PGR. The LeMans multi-class stuff is cool too. 16 cars, 4 in each class on the track at the same time.
  15. I agree with those that prefer Gen1 Bronco to Gen1 Mustang. And redkow's rebuttal on Ford's financials during the bailout. Respect for a company is one thing, until you ask people to put their money where their mouth is... http://www.businessweek.com/ap/financialnews/D9QK6AKG0.htm
  16. Same as here. I'm usually on Forza 4 now though. I have the CoD's (MW2 and Black Ops) - may get MW3 Battlefield 2 - may get BF3 Halo Reach
  17. Aww, we're posting timeslips on Facebook now? I missed that boat... I mean, that douche canoe has sailed. This thread delivers... mostly mental images of gen3's rotten crotch though.
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