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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. OnStar kills plan to track ex-subscribers All you fearmongers won http://jalopnik.com/5844322/onstar-kills-plan-to-track-ex+subscribers
  2. Maybe Doc will either have to throw them in the mail, or bring them to the DTC/IMS event...
  3. Since when did Kasich turn into a bleeding heart liberal pussy? Gov. Kasich spares death row inmate Nvm, I know the angle... one more prisoner for the private prisons to bilk money from the state for...
  4. The XX - Intro Llyod Banks - Start it Up Sugar Ray - RPM Chevelle - Jars Shaman's Harvest - Dragonfly Example - Kickstarts (Bar 9 Remix) Five Finger Death Punch - Bad Company Kevin Rudolf - I Made It David Guetta feat. Kid Cudi - Memories The bolded ones come recommended more than the others, though all would make decent tracks if you need more music filler. Since you're into introducing all the riders... you could have everyone pick their theme song that would play for 5secs as you roll through everyone... there's almost a minute worth of music right there
  5. Just because I happened to read this article yesterday and it's relevant to this thread. If some of you have the time and actually care for some facts on this... it's a good read. 6 Ways the Rich Are Waging a Class War Against the American People Long article...posted here: http://www.alternet.org/economy/152512/6_ways_the_rich_are_waging_a_class_war_against_the_american_people/
  6. I guess I wasn't clear enough. My prices were for ordering factory Suzuki parts off the microfiche to restore the bike to the cosmetic condition it was in when it left the factory. I'm not arguing that aftermarket or used OE fairings wouldn't be 'good enough', because they are for some people. Some people also love the 'thrill of the hunt' to find a color-correct left side, then three weeks later find a right, then find the front, and brag about how they fixed it all up for next to nothing because they waited and snagged the right pieces when they found them. That's great. But if you want new OE fairings, color correct, right now...then you're ordering them from a dealer at the prices I listed. Different strokes. I want to know the replacement costs, not what the 'good enough to work' costs. That way I know the MAX amount i'd have to spend, and it can only get cheaper if you consider your alternatives (unless you're upgrading from stock parts at the same time, though not really relevant on cosmetic parts)
  7. These are NEW prepainted, decaled and cleared, plastic OE fairings? I've seen the stuff on eBay.
  8. Well, then I need the names of your suppliers.
  9. Not with OE parts... side cowls alone are $500+ each, then the front fairing is around $340. So that's just cosmetic parts. But, if you want an $800 fiberglass body kit (that's for the entire bike too), then the rest of the bike can probably be fixed with aftermarket parts for under $300. The 'needs rear brakes' means different things. Just pads? Or the entire caliper assembly? Bar end - $15 Lever set - $25 So the rest is in the rear brake and new tire...
  10. Must be why your post reminded me. I know I wasn't leading. So I kind of remember watching your bike go through it like it wasn't even there. I sure as hell wasn't prepared for it, then I hit it and laughed since it spooked me (and because it makes for quite the funny surprise for the next guys).
  11. I cant remember if it was 556 or one of the routes coming home, but one of the fast sweepers had a wicked dip in the middle of it. I know my front wheel left the ground mid-lean, and I think my rear did too. It happened so quick that all I could do was chuckle and watch the guys in the mirror. Everyone else handled it flawlessly, but it definitely got my attention.
  12. Only in the bedroom and certain rest areas in the tri-county area. Plus one restroom at a BP station on the river.
  13. When is the n00b going to have time to ride? All of my coworkers that are WoWers never do anything but go to work, then come home and go on quests... Maybe it'd be more useful for him to work on getting a motorcycle as an epic mount in the game?
  14. Whatever you do, you should consider pre-painting scuffs on both side fairings. Save you the hassle of dropping it.
  15. What's your problem Inya? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwxmWGFoxZg
  16. Agreed, that's why my frame and wheels are black.
  17. Michigan is a no-fault state... so rulez are different there too. Ask me how I know.
  18. Research the ORC statute you were charged with - if you can prove you're not guilty of everything in the statute, then fight it. I also raise the BS flag on them HAVING to cite anyone. If not, then take your lumps. If I was the guy who got hit, I'd probably want a police report too because I'm not gonna be the idiot that finds out later that there was more damage to my vehicle than a quick 2min inspection on the roadside showed, not to mention the guys names/insurances of the people who hit me were fake.
  19. Likwid's wallet hurts a little bit, but otherwise everyone is fine.
  20. I missed all this -- where's the rest of the thread? Ya know, the "instigation" / "troll bait" part? What's the takeaway? Techguy has thin skin? Sam tested, motherf*(ker approved. Better get good gear then duder -- make sure you get A* gear that's been internet tested.
  21. Just bustin' chop where chops are to be busted. It really wasnt a big deal for me, I wasn't on a schedule per se, like some others
  22. And my favorite part was Pauly walking up during the "One lane road" stoplights and wanting to have a political debate -- pointing out that it's Obama's fault that they're working on the roads. That and when he punched Likwid.
  23. Ohh, and Sniper reminded me... the gas station in Brecksville, I spent some time there too.
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