I guess I wasn't clear enough. My prices were for ordering factory Suzuki parts off the microfiche to restore the bike to the cosmetic condition it was in when it left the factory. I'm not arguing that aftermarket or used OE fairings wouldn't be 'good enough', because they are for some people. Some people also love the 'thrill of the hunt' to find a color-correct left side, then three weeks later find a right, then find the front, and brag about how they fixed it all up for next to nothing because they waited and snagged the right pieces when they found them. That's great. But if you want new OE fairings, color correct, right now...then you're ordering them from a dealer at the prices I listed. Different strokes. I want to know the replacement costs, not what the 'good enough to work' costs. That way I know the MAX amount i'd have to spend, and it can only get cheaper if you consider your alternatives (unless you're upgrading from stock parts at the same time, though not really relevant on cosmetic parts)