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Posts posted by Disclaimer

  1. asked the guy how much he owed on it and he told me its irrelevant. :dunno:

    With that type of response, I think this sale would be irrelevant.

    If you were to buy it and he stiffs you on the lien, then you better believe I'd at least know what the payoff amount would be should some flatbed show up in the wee morning hours and haul off a bike I just 'bought'.

  2. He may have the paper title, different states do it differently, but that title (no matter what state you're in) means absolutely nothing if there is still a lien filed.

    +1, sounds complicated and I think once you dig deeper and start having to deal with the bureaucracy that is the NH state DMV to get a lien cleared that doesn't really belong to you, but is now on your title -- it's going to be a lot of your time and hassle. I dunno, honestly I don't have much experience and I can't find any concrete answers on DMV sites, but I do know people that transfer ownership on vehicles all the time that aren't paid off... you might want to sniff around a car dealership, pretending to be interested in something and throw out a scenario about a 'trade in that you still owe money on' and ask how they handle the title. :confused:

  3. I know NH doesn't quite have the diversity that Ohio does, but you should remember that all the rednecks are SOUTH of Columbus. I'm North Coast, baby. They begin to filter out as the latitude increases - measured in the amount of Confederate flags per square mile.

    Cincinnati -- 45 flags/mi^2

    Dayton -- 32 flags/mi^2

    Columbus -- 19 flags/mi^2

    Cleveland -- <5 flags/mi^2

    Directly proportional to the amount of trailer parks as well.

    • Upvote 1
  4. If the guy doesn't show up with the balance of the money for my Hurricane this weekend, you can take a look at it. I'm looking to get $1850 out of it with a clean and clear title. Hopefully, it'll be gone though.

    I ran it out at the track (Norwalk) for a few years, my best pass was 11.82 @ 122mph, I'm 200lbs and the bike is around 570lbs with fuel and fluids.

  5. I get 37-38 MPG per tank.

    I don't really run the dog piss out of mine on the street, but that 37-38 number includes an evening a week at the drag strip making an average of 8 passes a night.

  6. Watch out for JRMii gay ass grammer police.

    :slap: Not only is the grammar horrible, but you can't even spell GRAMMAR right. Your mastery of the English language is on a solid 5th-grade level (and that's generous), but I'm not here to judge. For whatever reason, maybe you only completed the 5th-grade? I feel bad for you.

    Anyway, sorry Twin, although I'll be driving through Indy tomorrow - I doubt my 3 coworkers will push back a supplier visit to pick up your pipes. Good luck though.

  7. Well shooooooot.... while we're sharing PMs:

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    '08 ZX14 (Blue) Join Date: Dec 2006

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    Come get some? Yeah? No?

    Let's hang out ASAP. You seem to talk a lot of shit to me. We're in the same state. You going to man up and do it to my face? Give me your number and I'll give you a call. Or maybe you want mine? (937) 307-8182.

    You got some nerve to being a newbie on the forum for only 3 months and thinking your the smartest individual on the board. Maybe you're not so smart, because you sure keep running your mouth to me. I'd like to get a piece of you little boy. Shut-up or put-up!

    TTYL little faggot.:rolleyes:


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    '08 ZX14 (Blue) Join Date: Dec 2006

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    Re: Come get some? Yeah? No?


    Originally Posted by JRMMiii

    You're too funny dude. You'll just have to check my reply in the forum. I don't know what 3 months on here has anything to do with anything. Because you find this site before me means I have to respect you or something? Please...

    Like I said in the forum. Basically, I've got way too much to lose to get into any sort of 'trouble' with you. I tend to be fond of my career, all my possessions and life-choices I've made so far, I don't need anything that'll screw up my future.

    I saw your posts in the AMA forum where you blew up and Yota removed them. I had a reply to it, but Yota took all of it down. I didn't realize you're so easily manipulated by some words. Get a grip dude, it's just TALK. :rolleyes:

    Wow, you just showed you're a coward. Talk shit and hide. It's just talk? What the hell are you smoking? You're flesh and blood just like me behind that monitor. Talk is real in all forms, whether it be written, oral, or typed. You don't say anything you wouldn't say in person or you're a coward.

    If you come to blows with someone doesn't mean anyone has to know about it. Idiots get in a scrap in public places.


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    Senior Member

    '08 ZX14 (Blue) Join Date: Dec 2006

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    Re: Come get some? Yeah? No?


    Originally Posted by JRMMiii

    Yea, cause REAL men settle their difference by punching each other... we're not cavemen, Jesus. I'm a coward for walking away. It's pretty weak you're all worked up over this. You're 30 yrs old, GROW up. I'm not some white trash hick that gets into drunken brawls with people who talk smack. They're just words. If everyone felt like you felt, then being a smartass would get you just as much time in jail as assault, but it doesn't. So guess where the majority opinion lies? Idiots might scrap, but I'm far from an idiot. You wanna lump yourself in with that group...fine, be my guest. I'm sure not going to try and talk you out of it.

    Cowards hide behind lawsuits. You talk shit and then run to the law to take care of it for you. You make me sick. :puke: It has nothing to do with being a man. You are the dumbest smart guy I know. I hope that BUSA bites you this season. Karma.


    My final reply:

    Whatever you say man... call me a coward, and you can brag to all your buddies how you totally talked down this noob squid on a motorcycle forum, and how you were gonna fight, but I back down. It'll make a great campfire story outside the double-wide.

    I hope the busa bites me too? Wtf does that mean? Karma is a bitch, but I'm a pretty responsible rider...unlike the shit I've read you do. Whatever helps you sleep at night.


    I'm done post whoring. :p

  8. So, I changed the oil in the 'busa for the first time and of course nothing ever goes smoothly.

    Long story short, I was wrenching on a fairing bolt on the right side cover to remove it, and when it finally cracked, the wrench slipped, and I ended up with a nice little scratch down the fairing. :o:mad::o It's minimal, you can only see it from less than a foot away, but I know it's there and it's going to hang over my head until I buff it out.

    What's the best stuff to use to get rid of small to medium scratches on plastic?

  9. Anyone end up riding yesterday? I got sent on a supplier visit to Chillocothe and Springfield so I was stuck riding in the back of a rented Nissan Altima all day. Sighing every time we passed a bike... :(

  10. Lets finish this in the PMs. No sense continuing to hijack this thread. I'm sure the members don't want to hear about your "no rules street fighting" and your special "taint biting" finishing move.

    Just get it through your thick skull. I will NOT fight you or anyone. There will be no fighting!

    Mods... feel free to delete all this garbage or leave it here just for the:popcorn: value. Either way. My apologies.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Like I said in the PM... you're not worth it. I've got way too much to lose. Apparently you don't? I'm not afraid of you, or your words, or anything. Hell, I'd take a punch from you just for the satisfaction of watching your face as I ride away on your ZX after we settle the civil suit. You'd better knock me out though, cause after the first swing, it's self-defense -- not to mention you probably don't have the endurance to go toe-to-toe for any lengthy period of time. I'm in the gym 5 days a week...

  12. Maybe you should shut me up. :dunno: I'd love to shut you up myself.


    Nah, I'll let you win that one. I'm a lover, not a fighter (just ask Abigail ;)). I'd never let any heated debate turn physical -- that's where our maturity level diverge. I've got way too much to lose.

    We'll just end up in our vicious cycle of pushing each others buttons...which I guarantee will never even make me come close to my boiling point. Sticks and stones, bro...

    The last physical altercation I got into was with my college roommate. He was a wrestler, but gave up about 15lbs to me. We had an argument that I thought was over and went back to watching TV when he came from behind me and put his hands around my neck. I had him pinned face down to the carpet 4 seconds later, and had to wait until another roommate came over and separated us since I wasn't going to let him up. Before that, I hadn't gotten into a physical fight since 8th grade. To me, physical violence is a last resort when you've run out of all other options.

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