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Posts posted by Disclaimer

  1. But Nick, there's a difference between opinion and fact. I only call people out on their opinions if it's contradictory to facts. That's all. And if I started the name calling - anytime on these boards. I apologize. My typical MO is not to condescend to that level until someone starts it.


    The only time I was ever pulled over by a cop on my bike, he clocked me going 75mph in a 35mph zone and I got off with a warning. I was pulling out of a stop sign and doing a quick run-on pull up a hill and he must've nabbed me right as I let off the throttle. I continued to the main strip (Park Ave during AMA days at Mid Ohio) and he tailed me for a mile with his lights on (which I didn't realize). I finally pulled over once I heard him blip the siren once. So, I must've sounded like an idiot when he questioned me since I didn't know how long he'd be following me.

    I wasn't carrying my insurance or registration on me at that point (I had it, just not with me). The guy was real cool about it since it was bike week and let me off. He'd had a bike before but got rid of it once he became a cop and had to scrape all the squids off the pavement.

    My friend likes to think she was the one that got me out of the ticket and hasn't let me live that one down to this day.

  2. Oh jesus here comes the rest of the gang ...............JRMMii I can't really understand you ......spit it out it doesn't belong to you!!

    Just chalk it up on the list of the rest of the things you can't really understand.

    I just don't know why it's all gravy when you express YOUR opinion, but as soon as someone else expresses THEIR opinion, be it different from yours, they get bashed, or name called, or whatever. That's pretty childish and hypocritical.

    Basically, you're allowed to dish it, but can't take it without getting uptight about it?

    Ohh the drama... sorry, back on topic.

  3. :popcorn::popcorn: You guys are too much.

    Funny thing is, I don't think you'll ever see Lizard lose his cool - at least from what I've read he seems pretty collected. BUT, I do know a guy recently that had a few of his posts deleted because he lost his wittle temper because the words stung so bad.

    I'm just saying.

  4. Who puts a "The Good, The Bad, The Ugly" poster in their dining area?

    You get a "star" for being the first to notice the motif.

    And, like, OMG, did you see how that ugly carpet clashes with the light sky blue countertop. :supergay:

    You like that? See how I steered us back on topic.

  5. Other than two or three long nights... yea, I have a feeling I'd get bored with those two quick. There's only so much you can do -- then you actually have to have conversation. And that's where it all goes downhill....

  6. http://www.nationalpriorities.org/costofwar_home/tradeoffs

    That particular link gives you the trade offs of costs between the war in Iraq and what else all that money could've bought. Can be organized by city, state, or congressional district.


    Put in YOUR personal income tax expense, and it'll tell you how much of it was spent on what for tax year 2007.

    The entire http://www.nationalpriorities.org/ site is pretty interesting to explore. The best part is... it doesn't appear to be partisan, just giving the facts.

  7. If it were 5 years ago when I worked at a print / banner shop I probably could've gotten you one "comped" or at cost, but that company has since went out of business. I don't even know any referrals anymore.

    Sorry bro.

    I'm assuming you've got all the artwork and stuff for something that size? EPS files and whatnot...

  8. Dude... I don't even know how to classify that. Is it gun porn? Gay porn? Nerd porn (see the Rock band guitars in the background)?

    The only way I classify it, is hilariously gross. I yanked it off of digg.com, and thought it would make a wonderful addition to this thread.

  9. (Picture removed to save thread space)

    Either way, I'm off to watch some lesbian porn now, any gay supporters want to join me?

    :lol::lol: Nice. Except two girls kissing doesn't necessarily make them lesbian. So that's a whole other gray area. It all depends on how "sexual" kissing is. Hell, there are girls that've gone to 2nd and even 3rd base with other girls and don't claim to be bi- or lesbian.

    So, is it okay as long as it is a purely physical event and not a "lifestyle choice"?

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