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Posts posted by Disclaimer

  1. If you notice, I NEVER start any name calling. You should pay more attention to detail bud. The cop called me a prick and that is when I retaliated. Same with you the other day. You called me a name 1st and therefore I retaliated. I play defense 90% of the time. You as of right now have been playing offense for the longest. So in all honesty, who's the trouble maker?;)

    I see your age shine through more and more every time you talk to me.

    Speaking of age, shouldn't you have been the bigger OLDER man and walked away from this by now? I'm mature enough to not blow a gasket just based on some words someone types. I can't even find where he called you a prick...:rolleyes: In fact you called him a prick first, on page 5. Get your facts straight.

    You really have to watch when you use words like ALWAYS and NEVER, especially when you're wrong. Referencing this thread (http://ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=12341&page=2) you started the name calling by telling me to "suck [your] dick muthafucka", when I made no reference to you before that other than questioning where you got your facts ("do you just shit facts?"), which is hardly name calling since it refers to your facts, not YOU personally.

    And I believe you were the first one to start with the names on this particular thread (http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=11965&page=5) when you said that "most cops are assholes" knowing full well that VMX was a cop and following this thread. Do you do that just to get a reaction from him? What was the purpose of that comment? And calling you a "Jerk" pales in comparison to your following swear-laden post with the middle finger smiley. So, he shouldn't have called you a jerk, you shouldn't have lumped him in with other asshole cops.

    But, you show your maturity when you escalate all this into your vulgar tirades. If you look at subsequent posts...yours are laden with swears and personal attacks. VMX only uses "bitch" as the single additional swear word in the rest of his posts. Does swearing and flipping the bird make you feel like more of a man? I mean, c'mon now, this isn't 5th grade. We all KNOW swear words and can use them -- find something more intelligent to say and attack the issues rather than the person.

  2. There's a fine line between being conceited and being proud of your accomplishments, or at least being proud you're working towards them. I think I'm still on the proper side of that line. I don't know why you have that opinion of me, but whatev... we could debate that forever, but this isn't the forum for that debate.

    But I still don't see what my being "full of myself" (according to you) has anything to do with the original topic of why you end up in pissing matches with numerous members on the board (Lizard, VMX, myself...just to name the recent few)? The only common factor is you, since other than riding, I doubt I have much in common with those other two guys considering our backgrounds.

    I'm just really trying to understand where you're coming from on some of your viewpoints because, again this is just my opinion, they seem awful shortsighted, narrow, and selfish. It's great you have an opinion, can write it down for everyone and stand by it... but when challenged, why do you get defensive? You shouldn't have to get defensive if your thoughts are based on fact, logic, merit and/or experience, but it seems you "don't have much of a kickstand to lean on" when someone challenges your views. Thus resulting in the pissing matches and name calling.

  3. I had a good time and met some great people that day. If your never going to meet me, then don't bother talking to me. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm being serious. You even look like an asshole online JRMiii. ;)

    Again...with the missing letters. :D I can't win.

    I guess I totally missed the point you were trying to make. All I got out of your post was that you'd like to isolate yourself and live in your own little world -- which is pretty much impossible, and that I'm apparently an asshole because I "look" like one on the internet -- whatever that means... like physically since you've stalked my MySpace, or you just disagree with my thought processes and logic? Please explain.

    I see the pictures, but don't understand where you're going with this... yes, you are capable of controlling yourself in a group, but it's not like anyone would ever tell you to your face that you're "that guy" because common courtesy typically prevails. Who knows if you are "that guy", maybe you're not? I'd like to think you're not, but I also think everyone can find the patience to deal with people and groups of people. The issue is that you're the one that doesn't like them...

    ...probably 5 years ago I finally snapped and realized that I can't stand sharing this world with most people. People have pissed me off so badly that I'm bitter towards our civilization.
    I don't really have any problems with anyone here. Hell Nick, as much as we butt heads, I wouldn't even be opposed to meeting you. I just don't think you could stand meeting me because your views on the world get in the way of opening your mind to the thought of chillin with someone that doesn't agree with you 100%.

    But to the group point, people don't have to spend 500+ days in a space capsule with you, they only have to spend a day so it's not worth their time and effort to cause a scene. From what I can tell, most of the people on here are laid back enough to let people with contrasting opinions vocalize those opinions without getting to uppity about it, but they're not agreeing with them or condoning those opinions. They won't debate with you because it's just not worth their time, or their counter opinions will end up with name-calling fests (see: not worth it), or various other reasons. Fortunately or unfortunately for the good people of this board, I have the time (since I'm stuck sitting in front of my computer doing grad school papers anyway), and I like a good debate.

    I consider myself pretty educated and quick to pick things up, but you need to try again explaining the point you were trying to make with your previous posts...spell it out for me.

  4. :popcorn::boxing:

    You ever spar in real life Nick? While I know you typically have the dissenting opinion on here, you seem to get into it with a lot of people -- not so much over your opinions, but usually because it erupts into a name-calling fest. I'm just wondering if you've ever written a check with your mouth that your ass, or your wallet, couldn't cash? I would hope cooler heads would prevail, but I have a feeling you'd escalate the situation... you wouldn't really say the stuff you do on here to some of the members if we were actually hanging out at an event or something, would you?

  5. Norwalk does the "Hot Norwalk Nights" on Wednesdays... that's when I normally get my track time. Until I get an air shifter and extended swingarm, it's tough to compete with the purpose built bikes. My only advantage is I'm pretty consistent with the clutch. I didn't say fastest on the clutch, but most consistent... which is why I've won a few bracket races in my day.

    Had a VROD pull up beside me the other day. Nice looking bike. He revved like he wanted to race. I just smiled at him. Too bad it was a street and not a track. In my opinion, the VROD isn't even a Harley. It's a rice rocket in disguise. Good try HD, good try. Now go away and play with the little ones.

    I like the VRODs, but I'll agree with you there. But, I'm more curious about what a cop does when you're not wearing the uni and you get challenged to a street race... you should put some hidden red and blues on the VMax, take the guy up through 1st gear and part of 2nd before you let off, then trip the lights after he flys by you trying to catch up. :lol:

    Total dick move, but it's funny 'cause it's not me.

  6. It is all in fun... but shit, for $100, you guys are too rich for my blood. I got grad school bills to pay.

    I would like to see how my 'busa would stack up against your ZX-14... stock vs. stock, just for shits and giggles. I think with your added horsepower, but my lighter weight (physically)...they'd match up pretty even.

  7. Since I admittedly need more practice launching mine (it's a lot different than the Hurricane)... I'm not getting into this swinging dick contest, but to offer a little UNSOLICITED friendly advice to you Nick...if you "man up" to Satan, I wouldn't do the 40 roll with that couch of yours against a much lighter bike. But, you may've already figured that out.

  8. Sorry...that night I'll either be: 1) Change the oil in MY bike, 2) Teach my g/f how to use a clutch on her bike, 3) Let grad school own my ass for the 4th night in a row.

    Nice weekends are MUCH better times.

  9. I need to learn more about these VMax bikes. It sounds like a busa in cruiser trim. Don't stop, don't turn, but as long as you have a long straight road... you ain't got nothin' to worry about.

    And what gives... everyone always misses the third 'i'? :lol::p

  10. I don't see Elyria on the list... I'm only 20 mins from Cleveland Hopkins =)

    Just teasing man, you don't wanna live in Elyria. But my g/f says that Reynoldsburg and Westerville are both nice -- depends on what you want? Do you want your expensive home right next to other peoples expensive homes -- then choose Westerville... it's a nice suburb-type. If you want a little more space, out in the country, with your expensive homes spread out and have a little more privacy, then pick Reynoldsburg.

    This is all my g/fs opinion, she lived down there for a couple years while she was at school. So, don't hold me liable -- I only went to Cbus to party with my OSU buddies... I, personally, don't know the areas you're talking about.

  11. So after reading the Harley thread that CBRGirl started (http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=12630) I searched and didn't find a thread about everyone's first bike. We all had to learn on something and of course everyone has an opinion on what a good first bike is, or the "limit" for a noob squid first bike.

    I've been trying to get some of my younger coworkers into riding, as well as my girlfriend. I've been suggesting sv650s, gs500s, ex500s, Ninja 250s for those that have never had the riding experience, never used a clutch, etc. etc. My girlfriend ended up getting an '04 gs500f which I hope she'll start riding with me (instead of weighing the 'busa down...every pound counts! ;)) after she takes the MSF Basic course this May.

    But, I wanted to hear everyone else's motorcycle riding experiences, their first bikes, their progression of bikes to what they have now...

    I guess I'll start. Note, the pictures represent the bikes, some may not be the actual bikes I've had.

    Bike: Honda ZB50 (Black and Red) Age: 7

    Sorry, I can't find a pic of this bike. My dad uses it as a pit bike now for the track.

    Bike #2: 1986 Honda FatCat TR200 (Blue and White) Age: 10

    I did most of my learning (see wrecking, sliding, and crashing) on these bikes, my dad got two of them -- one for me and one for my brother.


    Bike #3: 1999 Buell X1 Lightning Age: 16

    My first "streetbike", my dad let me ride his bike around and take the DMV test on it.


    Bike #4: 1987 Honda Hurricane Age: 18

    MY first bike that I bought -- I bought this even before I bought my first car. It was the cheapest liter bike I could find at the time. It's served me well for the past 6 years. Had one close call with a deer at 70mph, and one close call when a car pulled out in front of me, but never dumped it. Not that I would recommend a liter bike as a first bike, but I figured my 11 yrs of riding experience up to then would prepare me just fine. I was never into the twisties, so for cruising and drag racing...this machine was awesome. The last two times I had it at Norwalk, I won the cycle class, then finished runner-up the following week to my brother on my dad's Buell. :mad: It won't see the track anymore.


    Bike #5: 2003 Suzuki Hayabusa Age: 24

    This is the bike I always wanted. 40th anniversary edition with the copper color. This will be my keeper for a long long time. Here's a pic of the ol' lady's gs500f, and my two bikes the 'busa and the 'cane.


    Bike #6: ????

    I'd like to get a dedicated track bike-- sv650, 600cc, something to run the Fasttrax at Nelson Ledges, but I've run out of space in my garage. I think it'd be nice to get some time going hard in the twisties, so I know how much I can push a road bike. I've had my share of slides on a dirtbike, but I think I haven't lived until I've experienced one on a track bike.

    Update 04/20/09

    Bike #6: 2003 SV1000S purchased Sept 2008 - Copper to match the Hayabusa, the only "all copper" bikes Suzuki made - will be my 'beater bike' and trackday ride.


    Ok, now that I've wrote my life story... how about everyone else? :cheers:

  12. Business

    A business job is most likely to be your dream career. You've always looked up to the entrepreneurial types because deep down you're just like they are - you work hard towards a goal and don't stop until you succeed. Of course with a work ethic like yours, success really isn't that rare. So where do you start? Maybe you'll be a marketing manager for a flat-screen TV maker. Down the road you might be CEO for a custom motorcycle building company or president of a robotics firm. Whatever you end up doing, the art of the deal is probably right up your alley.

  13. +1. I'm with Benyen. With the rampant incompetence of people these days, it's almost the luck of the draw if you get someone actually willing and able to HELP you with something. Either come back after your birthday, or go in another day when the same broad isn't working.

    It's a shame and inconvenience that you have to do it that way, but... c'est la vie.

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