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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I <3 Republicans. http://videocafe.crooksandliars.com/heather/maddow-if-we-take-sp-their-word-downgrade-
  2. PM jbot, he may be hungry. Though i'm not sure he likes American. Or, bust out the peanut butter and punch those puppies in the face.
  3. Liberty and justice for all. ...except when we force you to pledge alligence.
  4. Lulz, that site is rightwing propaganda.
  5. Why not let the free market handle this. For enough funding, I bet you would have your kids pledge alligence to Keebler elves and the cookies for which they stand.
  6. Nothing quite like living in a country that has laws in order to protect citizens from overzealous authorities in positions of power.
  7. Your links require reading and understanding. *do not want* If god wanted me to read and understand things, he would've written a book.
  8. I think you got lucky they fabricated that other victim.
  9. If you have to ask, you'll never know.
  10. My brain's task manager is always running poopmonitor.exe, usually in the background, but it will take priority processing when necessary, regardless if I'm running sleep.exe, driving.exe, or bangingchicksdoggystyle.exe.
  11. What's with all these people going to all these liberal elitist institutions of higher indoctrin....I mean, learning? Y'all don't need nothing more than to know how to use a gun, read the Bible, and fix a Camaro.
  12. I'm here for the cake and ice cream, indivisible, with chocolate and vanilla softserve for all.
  13. I think stump is pissed that his old dealer raised prices on him right after he spent all that money on a Triumph
  14. The bleeding heart liberal in me says its sad your neighbor is a drug addict. He might change his ways if you get him to rehab or spoil him by showing him some of the finer points in life - hollow points.
  15. Raise your hand if you've ever passed Uncle Punk on the inside... Ok, nobody. Now raise your hand if you've ever passed Uncle Punk at all (inside, outside, lowside, highside)...
  16. I got them to replace the factory can I scratched, so it was $350 for one single OE can, or $276 for two polished stainless cans, shipped. No brainer. They look nice, sound fine. I ordered the stubby 350mm pipes off eBay, but Delkevic called and said they discontinued or backordered them, I forget, but asked if I'd take the 450mm cans...so I did. I talked to their customer service about the fact that I really wanted the stubby's but accepted the longer one since I needed the parts, and asked if they'd throw me a discount or exchange them for stubby's when they got some. No problem, refunded me some money and said an exchange could probably be worked out also. But, i'm happy with the discount they gave and left them positive feedback saying so. Seem like a good company to deal with. Obviously they provided me with the wrong item, but they made the effort to call and see if I'd accept the longer cans instead, and after some more correspondence after I'd received the cans, allowed me a refund and exchange. I'd recommend them on price alone, but the customer service was excellent as well. My only real complaint, if you want to call it that, is the exhaust hangers are just bolt on loops, rather than the properly placed welded on bracket that the OE cans have. Minor complaint, they still look good, its just fresh on my mind because i'm still healing from the finger I sliced open on the hangers Delkevic provided.
  17. Bump. Just ordered and installed a set on the Hayabusa. The customer service they provided was awesome.
  18. "I think the Creator that I know created us, everyone of us, and created the + sign and the - sign along with PEMDAS, and the precise time and manner to use them, I just don't think we're at the point where anybody has absolute proof on either side where they came from.... therefore 288."
  19. Ooooooooohhhhhhh, I get it. The donkey represents one political party and the elephant represents the OTHER one... "whoever heard of a nice piece of elephant?"
  20. I've found it to be just the opposite where I work.
  21. I've never been a fan of that "move on" mentality. That's something someone with a lot of blame uses to deflect the issues and save themselves. "Don't worry about it being my fault I rear-ended your bike while I was texting and driving, let's worry about your physical therapy. Don't focus on suing me or revoking my license, just focus on getting better."
  22. The market will bear what the market will bear for any given point in time.
  23. Those who don't learn history are doomed to repeat it. Not a big fan of understanding "Lesson's Learned" huh?
  24. 2009 was Bush's deficit he signed... not Obama's... nice try though. Per that chart, it shows that Obama reduced it from Bush's 2009 spending.
  25. You do such a good job though Magz. How many 'damsels in distress' did you help on the way down?
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