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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I'll be at SOME track, one way or another (at least I'm planning to be). But, what a PITA to inconvenience you to come help me load a bike... I'd rather not go than end up making my problems someone elses.
  2. @Those FB posts.... really!? I didn't see the surveillance footage yet, but I gather if the shooter wasn't charged it was obviously 'BruhBruh's fault this situation even had the chance to occur. Sounds like BBJr. is anxious to get capped too w/ that attitude.
  3. Whenever Punk wants to go back and run trackdays... I'll pool w/ him. And who pays full retail for a trackday... I don't think I had $300 wrapped up in BOTH KTM days last year.
  4. Yea, I'm lazy. It's so nice to just show up in gear and get to ride a bike way nicer than mine and use their tires/gas. Plus, without a trailer, I have to load the bike into the bed of my truck... which is a scary proposition in and of itself with only the woman to help me.
  5. How does Moto Series handle last minute sign ups? Also, if you go in under the "Instructional" class -- can you be bumped to open w/o silicone around your plugs or safety wired? Also/or if you don't have a back protector? Just curious.
  6. I thought the proper term was 'hot' -- their inventory is hot.
  7. That's the story I'm sticking to...
  8. I need to ask that very question to the guy that forwarded me that link... the likely excuse will be he was bored and looking for lulz... and penis.
  9. Instead of starting a new thread... if there are any Asian guys (I assume that's what 'A' is in SGAM?) under 170# that wanted to go for a ride on a Harley... now's your chance. Ride with Likwid (Lkwd) Btw, what's HWP? http://cleveland.craigslist.org/stp/2457718160.html
  10. Whatever you do, DON'T bang her sister or her best friend. I would definitely NOT do that. #winkwink This came up on digg tonight - coincidence: http://www.collegehumor.com/article/6542931/5-ways-to-break-up-with-your-girlfriend-without-hurting-her-feelings
  11. To be fair... what movie is it? I mean, there's some REALLY good movies out. Long-term relationships come and go, but you can only see a movie in a theater for like 3 weeks past the opening.
  12. Well, maybe... now that she's single. Laughter is the best medicine. But a little backstory would be good for the soul -- vent a little, plus entertainment for us. The worst thing is a bunch of us making snarky comments on the internet at your expense during this troubling time, right?
  13. I hope all her shit can fit in whatever she drives -- or else it'll be your gas to haul her shit away in a truck...
  14. "Hey bro, I found your iPod in my car -- I know we had a falling out and there's still $50 you owe me, but I'm going to give this back to you because I'm hoping we can turn a new leaf, you'll repay your debt to me, and we can be bros again" OP tosses iPod at feet of ex-bro ex-bro looks puzzled @ OP's dick move, but goes to pick it up anyway BAM! Knee to the face! Then megaSTOMP on the iPod! Leave while laughing.
  15. This is a major upgrade after living in Flint, MI for 4 years.
  16. Will they let SV's on the track? On second thought, I dunno if I wanna be seen with Gen1 carb'd bikes. What do they call a parade of girls' bikes anyway? A gaggle?
  17. So ambiguously gay he said it twice. Shame on me for not reading the first page, I didn't realize he was heading to NRidgeville. Any "good" places are going to be a haul. Aces was mentioned, and it's on the way southern edge of town. Fine, if you like 'better then bar' bar food. It's pricey for what you get. I eat at Fiesta Jalapenos in NRidgeville a lot. I love Mexican food though. Otherwise you'll have to go a few towns over (eastward towards Cleveland) for good food. Crocker Park in Westlake isn't too terrible of a haul, but there's nothing really 'Cleveland-native' about it... it's just mostly higher-end chains and bars (a la Cheesecake Factory). There's a couple nice bars in Avon (Two Bucks - everything is $2) on Detroit Rd. And a really fancy restaurant called "The Strip" ($50 meals). Bubba Q's in Avon if you like BBQ (I've been there twice, not really MY kind of food, but it's definitely filling). There's a dive bar in Avon Lake called Tailgators that I go to sometimes, and Time Warp in Westlake (much nicer). I think Inya's questions are pertinent to know what you're really looking for (atmosphere, food type, and price-wise).
  18. BD's is in Coventry, which means you'll have to feed the meter a few times during your meal unless you eat fast. I <3 BDs and the location is nice, but I hate the parking setup.
  19. What song? That's the only way to figure out who the whiny bitch is.
  20. Someone should see if they could host one in NEO @ Melt. Anyone have connections? I've never been to Melt.
  21. ^^--- See, Tyler knowing MORE shady people. They don't happen to overlap with the welfare/food stamps scammers you know do they? We could score a double whammy if we nab these folks.
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