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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Wow. Sucks dude. You seem unscathed though -- good choice on wearing the gear that day so you'll live to ride another day.
  2. You think they'd let you out for the day to walk around with the rest of us?
  3. I know you're new here, so I'll just admit I'm an enginerd. Spark-EE actually.
  4. 7 Les Paul Google Doodle Tunes From Mashable Readers Mashable readers have filled the comments of our earlier post on the doodle with their own recordings — an option only available in the U.S. version. Here are some of our favorite tunes: 1. Lady Gaga’s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaJSKgZ9yXE is at the top of the heap, and not just because it’s Gaga. It’s a great rendition of a complicated song done by Leila Dossetto-Becker. 2. The Beatles’s “Hey Jude,” performed by Rosales. 3. Wanderchick brings us “Ode to Joy” in two parts: one and two. Serious skills! 4. Proving our point about this being a procrastination engine, Leslitab and her co-worker figured out how to play “Oh Suzanna!” 5. Refilljuarez was nostalgic for the last decade, so the band played “Adam’s Song” by Blink 182. 6. Cole Johnson tackles Sigur Ros’s “Takk Hoppipolla.” 7. The opening to The Beatles’s “Here Comes the Sun,” played beautifully by myurow.
  5. I know right? It's the simple things in life... bunch nerds in here talking about dark matter and anti-matter. Every time I hear dark matter I think of this guy.
  6. I still say we need to get that video/DVD up on youtube...
  7. The next rear I put on the Hayabusa will probably be, but I'm still running on the rubber that was one it when I bought it from the dealership -- they put on fresh right before I bought it. Being street rubber, I don't really do a huge burnout or anything, I goose it for 1-2 seconds to spin it and put just a little heat in it, barely get some mist of smoke from it, so the current set has lasted pretty long. It's sad I don't even recall what they are, but I'm thinking Bridgestones.
  8. I was messing with my settings... where'd all you people come from? I thought this was just me and Casper on here?
  9. I know, I'm just waiting for Tyler to come in here and post that he knows a few bad cops and they're ALL corrupt, then tell me I need a hug.
  10. Interesting -- kinda like the welfare discussion, you find a few bad apples in the whole harvest. That doesn't mean we napalm the entire orchard.
  11. I think we've covered that you seem to know or in some way associate with some shady characters, but because you know 2 different families out of the entire Ohio welfare system -- it's a rampant problem
  12. Then it sounds like the system caught up and cut them off, if they're in jail. Problem solved, now they're getting another kinda welfare that the taxpayers are paying for. At least when they weren't incarcerated, they a) weren't required to pay 4Davies for cornhole supervision, and b) they were SPENDING that money on crap, stimulating business, even if they weren't working for it. This thread kinda reminds me of this: http://www.cracked.com/blog/5-things-nobody-tells-you-about-being-poor/
  13. Point me in the direction where there is rampant abuses of the system...?? People tend to sensationalize a few particular cases of abuse and then say the entire system is completely broken.
  14. Keystone cops: FBI, sniffer dogs and helicopters launched in pointless hunt for 30 dead children... all on a tip from one VERY deluded psychic Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2000576/FBI-sniffer-dogs-helicopters-launched-pointless-hunt-30-dead-children--tip-VERY-deluded-psychic.html#ixzz1OiiWrE5P
  15. I don't know what you're talking about... you act like police can just barge into your house for no reason other if they think you're doing something illegal. Search Allowed if Police Hear Evidence Being Destroyed http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/17/us/17scotus.html There's NO way an officer of the law would abuse that power.
  16. I'd pay someone welfare rate to wipe my ass and clean my bikes (not using the same rag), and I wouldn't drug test.#icreatejobs #smallbusinessideas
  17. Sounds like you're the one with the personal bias... but I could argue that it'd be the exact opposite. The liberal, pro-gov't 'bed wetter' would most likely support the gov't and retract the charges, but the pro-big business, anti-tax, corporate conservative exec wants their money over everything else.
  18. Capitalism FTW. Gov't has to pay to use private services just like you and me. Why should Delta give them a break?
  19. Looks shopped. I'd name him Gnomio von teetsucker
  20. Nope -- I wasn't sure if I'd be in the state at the time. And, I did the Scooter run instead.
  21. That's almost 5% more than you already have!!
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