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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I'd finally have a chance to relax, you know how hard it is trying to be an admin here and keep you guys entertained by arguing with myself on this account? Vstrom 4 lyfe!
  2. My g/f just got her "Happy Birthday from Ohio Riders" e-mail... only months late. She says 'fail', but I said 'fixed'
  3. Links for entertainment during prime trolling hours?
  4. Perhaps, but if the weather is nice I'll be spectating some straight-line racing at least one of those days.
  5. I pay the gov't to take care of these 'bleeding heart' cases so I don't have to. #armslengthhugs
  6. she could've just been an extremely pissed off girlfriend... the wife part is on you
  7. Badass! You turned a bunch of fairings into a metal cabinet! Aaaaammmmaaazzing! emphasis on the 'zing'...
  8. Why do they call it "the hole" if it's upstairs?!
  9. No, facts are what you use to validate your views. C'mon Brian... entertain me.
  10. You and Ben both mention Obamacare... but what exactly don't you like about it? I don't get why you think it'll pit neighbor vs. neighbor? Sure, you're fit, your neighbor's fat, but if you both pay health insurance and he visits the doctor 7x more than you do, his premiums and co-pays will reflect that. As I pointed out, in the end, we all pay for it anyway -- so the cheaper you can make it the better. You think it's about hand holding, sure, some of it is because we can't just murder gaggles of people that make dumb decisions, or are old, or whatever, so in lieu of that, we need to take those idiots who are still Americans (for the most part, we don't need to get into the illegal debate because it's really a very small percentage) and figure out how to make those idiots cheaper on the rest of us. It was a HUGE compromise on Obamacare, when the single-payer system was scrapped for this private sector deal. It's been shown that social healthcare is cheaper. Medicare/Medicaid costs grew at around 400%, while the private sector grew around 700% -- both unacceptable, but it still demonstrates the "socialized" care that is Medicare/medicaid is cheaper than the private solutions. Medicare Saves Money http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/13/opinion/13krugman.html
  11. Not only is this a , but why is this in the "Daily Ride" thread section? I was waiting for someone else to call the repost last night, but no one stepped up to the plate. Edit -- go figure, Shitty beat me to it by a whole minute.
  12. Ooooooooohhhhh, someones gonna get this... *nervous pee dance*
  13. I'm lost, what are we laughing about this time?

  14. Disclaimer


    I wouldn't want the liability of knowing, in detail, what the history of (or what was wrong with) the car I was trying to sell you. That would mean I'm legally obligated to disclose it. Probably why dealers would migrate to that system + it's cheaper. Win-win for the seller/dealer. #freebumptogetInyasomeonewithCarfax
  15. Wait, because the current system works so well and is completely sustainable for the future? You're a regular Dr. Laughinski
  16. Look, and I've said this before, my advocacy for things is predominantly economics based, with a small smattering of morals/ethics when and where possible. I'm OK with whatever rules people want in the 'system' as long as everyone in the 'system' is willing to accept those rules. But they aren't. Americans are full of excuses why they are 'special cases' and should be treated differently. Hell, if you want to make a rule that if you don't have health insurance, then you don't get medical care -- I'm fine with that. If you don't carry around your wallet EVERYWHERE you go, so the first thing an emergency responder can do is check to see if you're financially responsible before treating you -- fine. But as soon as you make that rule, someone's gonna have an excuse why their brother/mother/uncle wasn't saved from a car accident because their medical card was at home, or it was thrown from the car in the accident, or... So, because no one is allowed to be a cold-hearted bastard, or they get ostracized for being so 'insensitive' to people's issues, we'll all end up paying for it anyway -- so, the LEAST you can do is make it cheaper for the rest of us.
  17. Aww, you're making me blush. So, if you take both your solutions there -- you pick the one with the best balance of cost-benefit. In situation A) not only are taxpayers paying for healthcare, they're paying for law enforcement, the legal system, etc. So, it's pretty much a no-brainer that situation A costs more than situation B for pretty much the same net result. B wins, it's cheaper.
  18. You know how to fix it, but none of the conservative-capitalists on here like that answer either. So, we're all ears on how you want to deal with it....
  19. I heard G4 made a statement that they're pulling all the unaired episodes 'Proving Grounds' from their programming.
  20. So, tell us the truth, the sexy sound of a vtwin is no match for the ugliness of the RC51, so the HOA is making you get rid of it. #secretRC51crush #freebump
  21. They've also been running heavy ads on G4TV for his new show with Jessica Chobot called "Proving Ground"
  22. Unless you're into fat chicks, or dudes. But, I'm not here to judge.
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