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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. This Time Warner Cable is really frustrating. I went from an $80/mo bill to just over $100/mo for the same shitty service. All I want is broadband internet and a few cable channels.
  2. After that statement above, I would ask for my account to be deleted too. I don't know how your reputation will ever recover around here after saying such blasphemous things. No one can take you serious anymore.
  3. Disclaimer


    Sausage fest @ Brians!
  4. Dude, there's nothing more scary than a pack of wild riders going AWAY from you. Kind of like how you'd crap your pants when bears run away from you... You know, same feeling.
  5. +1, I did too. Though, I crossed the yellow twice (once heading south, and once heading north) Some of the turns had quite a bit of debris in them -- psyching me out. I do like that little 148/26 jog... I could take or leave 379, it would've been fun if it wasn't so dirty. @ Matamoras Hopefully Bambi didn't have your house torn to pieces when you got home.
  6. Last call to meet up with Brent and myself... I'm getting ready to roll soon.
  7. That's fine, Kevin will just grab it along with your bike he's borrowing tomorrow
  8. 255 and 260 are the best I'm aware of so far...
  9. Meh, between the two of us... I'm sure we'll be ok wingin' it.
  10. My g/f drove through there the other day on the way to Strongsville... hope your parents aren't underwater...
  11. Well, you're welcome to come out, just be on time to the meet spot in Barnesville. To keep a schedule (and get me back to Cleveland before dark), I'd like to leave the meet spot in Barnesville no later than 11:30 (tanks full, kickstands up), preferably sooner if everyone who's anyone is there and ready to go.
  12. We don't want to discourage new(er) riders. As long as you can at least do the speed limit and ride safely, we will wait for all riders at the next stop. Take a headcount, and keep going if you really wanted to come out. This is my first real ride after the winter season, so I'm not going to be pushing my limits. I won't be on a sportsbike... I'll be on a girls bike (SV).
  13. You'll get the ironbutt award if you show...
  14. Gidet chimed in... you coming?
  15. Sweet... this is starting to come together...
  16. Maybe I'll call and audible and hit up 255 or 536 instead of taking 800 all the way down to 7 then... Let me know who's mounting up w/ me! Great day for good times!
  17. If I leave at 8AM, plus one stop for gas, I guesstimate being at Rt 800/SR 70 about 11 AM, or slightly sooner. I could make the Barnesville foodmart place gas stop #2 and meet you/whoever there... 66190 Barnesville Hendrysburg Rd Barnesville‎ Ohio‎ 43713 United States I'll have to stop regardless for some gas, but I'd like to know if a couple people are going to be there to know if I'm supposed to give a 5-10 minute courtesy wait.
  18. For me, it looks like it's 83 to 250 to 800 then back up 260, 145, 379. Thoughts? Like I said... I don't have a good gauge of timing, where gas stops are, or whatever anything else I'd prefer someone else with a GPS lead this shindig. I'll probably take off from here around 8AM -- PM me if you want my cell.
  19. If you guys are serious... I'll get a routemap and meetspot(s) planned. I don't have a GPS though, so I'm hoping someone else would lead.
  20. Windows movie maker should be enough for what you want to do. If not and you want some free tools http://www.3alternatives.com/free-alternatives-adobe-premiere-pro I have adobe premiere experience, but it's been awhile, I don't have a machine that'll run it anymore, and I'm too cheap to buy a version so I look for free alternatives like the ones I posted above. It's as straightforward or can get as complicated as you want to make it.
  21. That's an '03... he probably could get asking price if it was one of the '98 models -- that's the best year for them.
  22. I was hoping to get a ride in on Saturday... I'm northwest of you. We could meet and head down to Matamoras or something.
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