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Everything posted by gixxie750

  1. man the new car did great! Dam! Thank god crash derbies dont go that fast geez!
  2. Just click on ur name on the top right where it says welcom...... and it will show ur profile and what social groups ur in.
  3. he could have stubbed someones toe! thank god he's not allowed to drive any more:wtf:
  4. Welcome man! Dont mod the bike too much till you get more seat time!
  5. Hmmm i guess u have never been to a derby before.. Did u ever notice they always use steel rims and Older model cars? These new cars break like toothpics and i have seen and been part of of derbies and those cars are tanks. Are you a cop or do u just like seeing judge dred at work?
  6. PM me the price? I just have seen some KILLER deals and want to make sure u get the best for ur $$$$$. U deff want honda?
  7. gixxie750

    slow bikes

    yes yes yes!
  8. i have always like the behind windsheild view,but thats just me.
  9. i was thinking of buying a buell and putting it in a crate for about 50 years then selling.
  10. Fck that cop and blue ash police. I know this area and i know these cops. They are little power hungry SOB's and just sit and wait to pull their gun and shoot someone. If u cant stop him with ur car u shouldnt be a cop! For god sake u dont hit them in the door u hit them in the rear wheel breaking the axle and chase is over! The guy stole a car and was trying to get away so we must kill him? I have got to stop reading this thread lol. BTW i like the new guy!
  11. yea deff share the price!!!! It better be under $3000!
  12. They give you free drinks yes. If it was free drink ALL night that would be cool,but once other people on bar time come in the free stops. This is how they do it in cinci at least. I love the lodge bars so dont think i'm hatin lol
  13. i have won too many of these at the cinci lodge bar. Its a ploy to get u and ur friends down there lol.
  14. Jack and coke. Long island(real one with tequilla)
  15. I only really use the home page and its nice to look over and see what section of ohio or elsewhere events are taking place.
  16. rep is back! Lost my gold star...Lifes hard as the black sheep....

  17. no neg rep or any rep since 10/6. Oh well it was fun while it lasted lol
  18. So am i the only one who lost rep points? I had gold!
  19. Where in southern ohio? I may be game......
  20. glad to see my old pipe went to a good home!
  21. did everone see that there was a passenger? In my gun i keep one pointy and one hollow point bullet every other one.
  22. the other video of the dude on the bike with the gun in the store was more insane!
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