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Everything posted by CRed05

  1. Wendy's $1 chicken nuggets. $90 = 450 nuggets 11.25 nuggets p/person :megusta:
  2. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/news_feeds/icons/original/000/003/984/cat-would-not-feed.jpg
  3. I think the best fuel economy in the A6 you would get is in the 2.7t, and that won't be more than low 20s. Plenty of torques though, you could tow one of those faggy wannabe trucks like a Ridgeline.
  4. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7036/6921674552_a116dbe06d.jpg
  5. Perhaps you should think about it a little more. If either of you think that bringing up sidewalks and how they are free is even anything close to being the same thing, or some kind of counter point then... http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/201/508/221435NothingtodoHereGifMadethiscuzIwas2479d82822723.gif?1321553488
  6. Being able to ride a bicycle on a paved road that costs tax payer money sure as fuck is a privilege.
  7. This +1000000 I can't take my car/motorcycle on the road without having insurance, tags, lights, license. Laws of the road should apply to everyone who wants to use it.
  8. CRed05

    Is there...

    For the FB like button there is https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/
  9. CRed05

    Wtf headline

    I had someone tell me that when he did bath salts, all he was thinking about was trying to dig it out of his stomach. In his mind it would be just a little ball bath salts that he could pull out Kano from Mortal Kombat style and be ok.
  10. Geezus he dresses like a homosex. I'd probably wear panties also if it means getting that car
  11. You must be able to take executive lunch if you can drive from DT to Dublin/Marysville for lunch. I know exactly where the Marysville one is too, but even that's too far for me.
  12. Dammit BW3 sounds good, I'm too far away though. Guess I'll be eating BW3 in the Dirty D :fa:
  13. http://chzmemebase.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/internet-memes-geller-fap.jpg
  14. How's that working out for him? And I think it's only legal at the state level, still illegal at the Federal level.
  15. That question is bullshit to begin with. If everyone listened to her, there'd be no janitors, because no one would clean shit up if they had a million dollars
  16. Powerdyne FFMMMMMMUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!! http://rlv.zcache.com/rage_guy_angry_fuu_fuuu_rage_face_meme_poster-r2505f4c7185e472c9b975195048c681d_a21y_400.jpg?bg=0xffffff
  17. Formula 1 just posted these on Google+, thought they were cool so I'll share
  18. windows http://media.utdailybeacon.com/photos/2012/04/01/microsoft-campus-tour-4-2.1910-650.jpg
  19. http://jwestproductions.com/direct/lr3/lr3.tent.rp.jpg
  20. http://api.ning.com/files/RlFtopzXmt5TosZjv5E4ERlB2Lg7tStqJzFw9P-rephErOANKCRPu-8qroPNGIQ6BQgrK4x5JnUh2535xuAeZQ__/success.gif
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