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Everything posted by CRed05

  1. This. It's not bad, just not great. I might eat it more if there was one closer to me.
  2. Oregon Matt Groening revealed the location. http://tv.yahoo.com/news/-simpsons--springfield-location-revealed.html There you have it. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-im_CKn9PPI8/T0dtSJ0lUFI/AAAAAAAAAzY/0vIyQ9SYpt4/s1600/abe-simpson-gif.gif
  3. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/9/90/Walkerslogo.png/180px-Walkerslogo.png Pringles or Lays. It's definitely what other countries would think of. Doritos could be on the list too. Personally, I'm not a big doritos fan.
  4. I actually just got off the phone with a rep at WildFire and he was telling me how they are right down the street from where Instagram started and how they are a company of 9 people. So go ahead and divide 1 Billion by 9. Profit.
  5. Nope. I tried that out too and didn't see the point.
  6. +1 It's so worthless. Take picture, apply hipster effect, post on instagram to post on facebook. Just take a fucking picture and post it on facebook. Only iPhone users would make such a thing popular :dumb:
  7. http://us11.memecdn.com/sport-time_o_241507.jpg http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1tnn4TFCB1qgbb6wo1_500.png
  8. I tried watching it but got bored and turned it off about 10-15 minutes in. I did appreciate the Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas reference.
  9. Unfortunately I don't think it will. People will keep buying Apple no matter what. Mac people are a good target though, they're about as techno retarded as it gets. The Apple store is about to make some $$$$ on people bringing their shit in to get fixed. Conspiracy?
  10. I don't have flexpipes anymore, my aftermarket exhaust came with straight pipes. I don't have any issues.
  11. http://images.4chan.org/b/src/1333578444690.jpg
  12. That's not bad looking at all.
  13. http://images.bluegartr.com/bucket/gallery/21a7270778969e0479fd47aa685773bd.gif http://i.imgur.com/pakl7.png http://i.imgur.com/JUUQf.jpg
  14. CRed05

    Lottery theory

    Yeah you would have to do it yourself. Just because something is random doesn't mean it wont hit the same thing twice. Then there's also the problem that machines can't ever be truly random.
  15. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/066/421/Staredog.jpg?1282155115
  16. I don't work at Chase, but I would like to work on Polaris simply because there are a million places to get lunch at, unlike where I work now, where I'm limited to like 3 places...4 if you like diarrhea.
  17. What an idiot. She damaged like 5 cars and a bike.
  18. http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/274/372/ea1.jpg After paying everything off for me and family. Buy reasonably sized houses in sweet places all over the world. UGR Lambo, 911 GT2, Ferrari F40....etc. Then invest and live like a boss
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