When it comes to a shotgun its not a point I'm a general direction and.pull the trigger process Hollywood would like you to believe. Within a home you are going to have a pattern that is very tight. I showed this to Cleaver over the weekend with his new toy. Take your shotgun outband pattern it some day and you will feel a lot better about it. There is a company out there that does a shotgun training course called Crusader weaponry, they teach shotgun effectiveness out to 200 yards. It's an eye opening experience. http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/practical-home-security-alex-haddox/1106696179?ean=2940013637573&itm=1&usri=alex+haddox&cm_mmc=AFFILIATES-_-Linkshare-_-BRQmdz9O*4A-_-10:1 The link is a really good book on what scruit was talking about with layers of security. This guy knows his stuff and its a good read with lots of examples.