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kawi kid

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Everything posted by kawi kid

  1. kawi kid


    Can't delete anything but I can move it if you want.... Or I could leave it hear for everyone to pester and mock you. Your call
  2. I have been waiting on this to come out.
  3. His crabs are packing.
  4. I got my fingers crossed! Hopefully someone don't out bid be last second.
  5. I shot some asshole's gun that would go off if you looked at it wrong..... Prick.
  6. I know a guy that can do custom neon signs if you would be interested
  7. Maybe he refuses to bring any of his well earned money and spend it in a place that simply ignores his rights?
  8. Does it matter? I curious what you angle is at this one. Troll away I'm ready for a laugh.
  9. In Ohio when they hanged the transportation of concealed weapons I'm.pretty sure if you were charged with a crime and you wouldn't have under the new law the crime was waved.
  10. Pay me the cost of the stock and I'll teach you how to do it with a normal stock.
  11. You beat me to it. Anyway this guy is about number three in the last year. Bloomberg is a tool and just as crooked as any criminal in new York.
  12. Just rememebed it as soon as I hit reply. Horn's custom rifles
  13. There is a gunsmith down south that will take those and turn them into a precision rifle of you wan. I can't rememeber his name right now I think I gave the name to someone on here once.
  14. Yep. They did take keltec's design and improve on it... lets see if they make it better or just copy ths time.
  15. Even tho I have a hard time operating my phones keyboard ill get a good thought out there once in awhile lol
  16. They also cane out with a new bolt gun and I'm not as impressed. Seems like they just copied savage. But I guess that's some form of flattery so savage should be happy. http://www.ruger.com/products/americanRifle/index.html
  17. Ruger has always done one thing right and that's rim fires. Hopefully the new sr22 holds up to their tradition. Link: http://www.ruger.com/products/sr22Pistol/index.html
  18. I thought he only took one shot to the noodle? The ole jonny jumped out of the balcony seating area and broke his leg .
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