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kawi kid

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Everything posted by kawi kid

  1. Went to a buddies house and shot today for awhile. Cleaver went also and got see this stunt. At 23 feet I nailed a horse fly with my glock
  2. Well shit. Everyone looking at the raze maxxxx keep me updated. I'm due for an upgrade and was not planning on doing anything cuz I like what I have now. If they are planning on messing up a good thing ill be pissed.
  3. I'm gonna call for another concealment solutions probably next week so I have it for the beach.
  4. You can fire the gun from the compressed position easily. The slide only needs a few inches to operate.
  5. Lame. We changed our minds we didn't wanna make you remove your thunderwear
  6. kawi kid

    Sig p229

    Hi point all the way. Liar
  7. when you fags gonna start measuring other things?
  8. kawi kid

    Sig p229

    Buy a hi point
  9. Ditto! I need one for the beach. If no word I'm gonna order another concealment solutions.
  10. I have thought about getting one and keeping it hid away somewhere.I would rather have a hi point than nothing at all.
  11. If Martin reached for the gun and managed to grab the slide its not a stretch of the imagination to day thatcould have malfunctioned the gun. It also still put the shot in the intermediate range they keep talking about. Most self defense shootings have some element of the magic 3's. 3 feet, 3 shots, 3 seconds. If you are defending yourself its unlike you are taking a long shot so I don't understand why the sensationalism of this intermediate range? *edit scruit corrected that the round was ejected....
  12. This is my experience as well.
  13. Keep in mind zimmerman was supposedly knocked to the ground. Of you lay on your back and fire into someone standing over top of you that's close to what they describe as intermediate range.
  14. I believe executive orders are reserved for budgetary legislation like they were intended. Anyhting beyond that is abuse.
  15. I have done nothing but state ways he could, I never said he would do anything.
  16. Now I'm convincing myself? I said any president abusing that power scares me. Then I stated a fact that a staffer reported Obama can't wait to use it more. Do you just like to argue?
  17. There is a slim to none chance of a zombie apocalypse too. Doesn't mean I'm not ready for it though.
  18. If he signs executive orders ordering restrictions of free speech (for example)I believe that is considered shitting on our constitution.
  19. Most of this anti Obama stance is to promote gun http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2012/feb/13/wayne-lapierre/nra-leader-says-barack-obama-endorsed-total-ban-ha/ A quote directly from your link.. "We can’t rule on a shadowy conspiracy to destroy the Constitution in Obama’s second term."
  20. Where I shoot I get to see some state troopers and hang with them. One told me its not a far fetched idea to have any president pen an executive order saying those things. One of the staffers of Obama told a news paper that the president can't wait to be reelected and he plans on using his executive powers more this next term. Am I saying he will ban gun or place restrictions, no, but just the thought of that power getting abused scares me. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/23/us/politics/shift-on-executive-powers-let-obama-bypass-congress.html
  21. That's the right call IMO
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