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Big Chief201

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Everything posted by Big Chief201

  1. Big Chief201

    Qsl 7/23

    what time you guys planning on being at the pony? I get off work at 1:00 today and have been looking for some new people to ride with to the qsl
  2. You were on the Motard and had a buddy riding w/ u on a gixxer no helmet w/ a girl in her protective hoodie and no helmet. I was on a red triumph, black Icon Merc Hero Jacket, Red/Black Helmet w/ Mohawk........
  3. sorry Mike I didn't realize you posted a reply on here I talked to nick last night him and OG are coming over Friday to check out the place. If we got 4 of us in there like we do now rents only 262/month/person which is perfect. Its not cramped at all right now especially since I live "Boiler Room" style (If you haven't seen the movie rent it and pay attention to the part where Giovanni Ribisi AKA Seth Davis walks into Nicky Katt AKA Greg Weinstein's house while their watching Wallstreet).
  4. I pulled up next to you and your buddy on riverside just south of..... i forget the road....... Welcome
  5. I will live with anyone especially if they ride....... I do like Yota's Idea be able to ride indoors all winter. If we could get schmuck and APc in this house it could be some ridiculous times though.....
  6. If i can find someone to ride with me i might go with ya'll down to Lexington and stay there.... I got a bunch of friends I've been meaning to see at UK
  7. So my roommates are moving out and I have until the end of September to find a place to live. I was hoping to find a roommate who needed someone to live with them and preferably with a garage I can store my bike in. Location isn't that much of an issue. I could stay at the place I'm currently renting if two people wanted to move in its three bedrooms, 2 1/2 Bath, Full finished basement, 2 car garage for 1074/month or 354/person/month. If you guys have any ideas let me know if not looks like I'll be living on my own....
  8. sorry red team I couldnt make it to the first game.... I was trying to pull and Ocho Cinco but now I'm ready......
  9. Heath played the joker very well, as far as the rest of the movie it was a bit overrated IMO. Would I buy it? probably not.
  10. it's just sad i didnt even look at the monitor during it, and the fact that I did this period..... ohh and if you didnt watch it all FF to around 3:13 theres a little drunken 2-steppin that makes it worth it.
  11. So I went away to the most redneck campground imaginable w/ some friends, a couple cases of Busch light, some karaoke, and me singing (mind you I'm a very timid person).
  12. that horrible you should complain to the station about that prick. The cop that popped me was the coolest cop ever took a picture with him gave me a way to get out of it and even made jokes about racing back to Columbus. You got someone who just found his wife banging the neighbor.
  13. Did you take a voltmeter to everything and check it all out? Once I replaced the stator I checked the voltage on everything and its all running smooth now so I wont replace the RR
  14. ill be driving the bus in the express lane
  15. start dancing behind a girl and whisper in her ear don't turn this rape into a murder........... (Some old guy told me that at a camp ground i though it was funny coming from this guy)
  16. funny thing right when you posted this mine went out on me electrex sent me another one and im crossing my fingers it doesn't mess up.
  17. Chivalry is not dead completely but the way women treat men is causing it to be. Example one: Dated a girl for 5 years opened doors, paid for everything, always did nice "romantic" things for her; what did I get in return? Her banging some other guy and not even a t-shirt out of it. Example two: Girl I've been interested in I open the doors, pay for just about everything, always asking her to hang out what not and what do I get nothing literally I think she is asexual. I HATE TEXTING!!!!! The girl I am interested in will text me and I'll try to call her and get no answer but a text back. So I finally told her I hate texting and to call me and I got no call figures. Women need to open their eyes and see what is in front of them, be straight forward no beating around the bush, and just think a little before you act. Sorry for the rant and yes I am bitter!!
  18. It really is only good thing is i do my own work..... parts are expensive for it and I'm looking for a new bike in the mean time this triumphs had so many problems I'm afraid something going to go wrong with it one day and end up killing me.
  19. So I replaced my stator at the end of april and last friday im out riding and the bike shuts off. So I get it home and the battery is dead... I hook it up to a charger run the bike and begin checking volts coming out of everything. I'm getting nothing off my stator. I take the cover off and examin the stator and it looks like its fried... I email the company I bought it from (their in the UK) and tell them look my stators shot send me a new one and Ill send this one back to you once I get the new one. Still nothing back from them I try calling all the time with no answers from this company which is supposed to be a very well known british electrical shop. Needless to say I hate the way Triumph designed their electrical system on this bike with all the problems it has had.
  20. ouch low blow...... but you dont have to worry about that now cause my stator is bunk i was riding home from work and the bitch cut out on me. I ripped it apart to find my stator shot to shit.
  21. we'll put it in the back of my truck you sit on it ill drive you around.
  22. anyone want to ride tonight?
  23. if you need a new stator fo to http://www.electrexworld.co.uk/#1X0 they ahve the best deals on them and are really cheap took me two days to get mine
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