LBTS. GLWS. My dad had one. Can't remember what year. It was a fun car, but, no offense, that thing sounds like a bag of issues. Id give her $500. Lol.
Let me know what you are looking to do. I can hook you up. I can get some real nice cameras for a good price, but a good DVR makes all the difference. DVR prices are about to go up big time (if they havent already) due to major increases in chip prices. DO NOT buy those shitty DVR's or cameras off the internet. Pure junk.
This duckling is In. I will slowly run the fuck out of the Cherry Cola and 28 and whatever other kick ass roads that Bam wants to leave bread crumbs on. Might even run the Dragon once. Then Bam and I are going bear hunting with handguns and garbage.