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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. So, this never happened Gump?
  2. Yeah, I am a certified home Inspector. I didn't check the pressure tank. I checked that I had water pressure and it seemed good. Jeff claims that he never had any issues with water pressure. It is possible that it just went bad and would be in line with my luck.
  3. Lol. Dean is now mulletless. Doesn't even drink beer. Still Dean though. Dude is a trip.
  4. Well, spoke to time warner again and they are sending a guy out to look at getting cable and Internet to the house. Stay tuned....
  5. John, if you need a good well repairman to look at it, text me. I have a friend who is very good with well systems and very reasonable. He's replacing my bad pressure tank and moving it inside this weekend.
  6. Pressure switch? In the pit currently. Next issue. What should I paint my block shower walls with? Also, where can I get some 5" drain covers? Your typical home-improvement stores only have 4 inch.
  7. Beautiful bike! That should go quick. I'd wait till spring though.
  8. I'm not worried about it freezing I'm just moving it inside so that it will last longer and to get rid of that unsightly pit.there was a new well drilled in the early 90s. The pressure tank should've been moved inside at that point.
  9. So I've just been faced with my first major unexpected expense. Pressure tank is going out. It's in a six-foot deep pit in the backyard. About to replace it and move it into the house.
  10. Had a Hindle SS/Ti full system on my Vmax. It was gorgeous and sounded fantastic.
  11. Finally sold the place, eh? Where are you moving?
  12. I'd come up there and shoot the Yotes for you, but, you know.
  13. Does it work on hobo living under a bridge beards? Because that's about as good as I can muster.
  14. Jesus! That is compounded tragedy right there. All the OG's know my story of watching my dad degenerate with brain cancer. Completely fucking horrible. So, yeah, fuck cancer!
  15. I'm with chrome and Cdub. I do believe there is a law, and you'll see the signs posted on many of the major freeways that states, "slower traffic keep right". It is not your job to regulate the speed of the fast lane. If traffic behind you is approaching at a higher rate of speed than you are going, simply merge to the clear lane to the right as soon as it is safe and surrender the passing lane to the higher-speed traffic. It's a very simple concept of fewer and fewer people seem to understand these days. That said, he was totally in the wrong for cutting into you and the blame for the accident rest completely on him, but riding in the fast lane at the speed limit when there is a clear lane to the right is a total dick move.
  16. Video or it didn't happen! Glad you're okay and glad I wasn't driving near you. You seem to attract assholes.
  17. Done, but we're gonna need a bigger gun safe.
  18. Thanks man. According to this map: http://connectohio.org/connectednationftp/ohio/County_Maps/County_Broadband3M/Broadband3M_Fairfield.pdf I have fixed wireless broadband available. Whatever the hell that is.
  19. Thanks guys. When are we going to look at that badass crib Bowdog?
  20. So we're all moved and right before I found out that I can't get cable based high-speed Internet where I'm at. The local cable doesn't even have HD. Analog lines. So it's looking like my only choices for HDTV are satellite-based. So here's the issue, can't figure out what route to go for Internet. There is a local company that offers 2 MB down 1 mb up unlimited for $50/mo. Way too slow, not an option. I checked out this Clear (cell based wifi) that my powder coater suggested and they don't have service out there. I have 4G there and all of the cell phone companies offer Wi-Fi hotspots, but they are outrageously expensive. 5 MB is 50 bucks a month. So what do you boonie dwellers use?
  21. When you let go of the handlebars does it take off one way or the other? Have you checked the head bearings and the front end? Are the Shock tubes twisted in the triple tree?
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