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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. Just threw away some old parts also. Literally a week ago.
  2. Me either. Gonna be a lot to do so invite yourself down anytime. There will always be a "fun" project going on.
  3. Thanks Kari and you're welcome. It's an awesome song. We got most everything moved. Big shout out to Bowdog for the righteous truck loan. It occurred to me tonight that I went from biggest redneck in my neighborhood to biggest yuppie in my neighborhood in one move. Love it here and have lots of work ahead. Pics and project threads forthcoming!
  4. Signed over the house today. Bittersweet moment. Got boxes stacked all over the house. Everything is pretty much packed up and ready to go. Tomorrow is the big day. If any of you local bubbys can spare some time I will provide beer and some kick ass pizza. Starting in CW at 9ish. Big Thanks to Bowdog for letting me borrow his truck.
  5. This. Grohl is one talented muthafuka.
  6. Backyard wedding. Rented a tent and a port-a-potty, called in the mayor, bought $500 worth of booze and a $100 cake that no one ate. Had everyone bring a dish and threw one helluva party. $1500. Still get compliments about what a great time it was. Fancy and expensive = stupid.
  7. max power

    Proud as heck

    NICE!!! I'm guessing that thing costs as much as a new car. Jealous.
  8. HEY!! I wanna know why there are so many fat dykes.
  9. They probably plan to ride before noon, fucker.
  10. Moving to Stoutsville this weekend. All help is welcomed and appreciated. Got a big box truck, but might need some trailers. Will be providing food and beer and other liquids for all involved and if we use your truck and trailer I will pay for your gas. Who wants to help a brother out?
  11. Hopefully I can get grape smuggler down there in the next couple weeks to look it over and advise me on which way to go.
  12. The only thing holding me back is the fact that these things don't work below 30°. If I'm going to have to get a backup system anyway, I might as well put in ductwork and do a traditional furnace.
  13. Not really golf cart trails. It's a horrible place for side-by-side's.
  14. Awesome! I just gave away my whole kit.
  15. Electric service is the first thing I am upgrading.
  16. The reason I'm looking into them is because I don't have ductwork. There is a unit that goes in each room. These do not require ductwork from what I understand.
  17. What do you mean by the shit? What do they cost to install? To run? How many run on one heat pump? Do you have to run the line sets up the exterior wall?
  18. This!! Couldn't agree more.And Fuck that guy. Glad he is dead. If the hospital saved him, those infected motherfuckers would be sneaking in the US by any means possible. Now cremate his ass and send him back to Africa in a coffee can.
  19. I know this won't be a popular sentiment, but I don't understand why police dogs are treated as humans. It is a tool nothing more nothing less.
  20. Due to the way my new house is built and the lack of ductwork I am looking into a mini split system. Does anyone have any experience with these?
  21. Thank God she's not Asian. Now hurry up and get rich so you can assume your role as my sugar mama.
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