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Everything posted by Earache

  1. The rain cloud that we rode through 30 minutes earlier has followed us down the hill into Ouray...
  2. I love this old guy's "I don't give a fuck" fashion sense of wearing his watch on the outside of his shirt and sporting what I sincerely hope are dirt stains on his pants...
  3. Quick walk through town to the next bar...
  4. Had a local brew at the first bar -stale tasting and no head at all...
  5. Into Ouray and we hit our hotel to get outta wet clothes and into some bars for beer. Starting to see a pattern develop on this trip?
  6. Oh well, we should probably be going slower through here anyway...
  7. Crap. Wet roads and traffic on the best part of the road... \
  8. Rounding a corner, we;re headed right into a cloud that has settled into the valley. Gonna get wet...
  9. Rounding the corner above Silverton, CO...
  10. Cool air and clouds greet us ... Liners go in the jackets...
  11. Finally, back into Colorado at Durango. Time for fuel before heading up the hill...
  12. And now for a 6 hour speed run across Arizona and Utah to get back to the hills...
  13. Had to do some light off roading to get the shot at Mexican Hat...
  14. Roadside stand that the Navajo sell jewelry from - it was closed today...
  15. No one parties harder than the Navajo kids...
  16. We want to hit Monument Valley next and then get the Hell outta the desert and into the mountains for some cooler air...
  17. At this point, we turn south and head to Arizona. It was our plan to get to Page, Arizona in time to tour Antelope Canyon. Of course, we got there too late and pretty much missed it. I took exactly one picture in Page - my bike sitting outside the hotel room window. Thrilling, eh?
  18. Cops have the road closed due to fires. We could see the fire planes diving into the area...
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