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Everything posted by Earache

  1. Finally saw a cool house that I might be able to afford. Out in the middle of nowhere...
  2. Colorado is dotted with abandoned mining camps. Some from the 1800's and this one from the 1960's... This one was fenced off so we couldn't go explore it. Bummer.
  3. Saw the National Guard guys choppering in to help fight the fires in the area...
  4. And then up the hill and on with the day's ride...
  5. Neil relaxes in the ski board chair...
  6. A brief ride up the road and we stop at Minturn, CO for fuel and breakfast... Nuthin' but the finest....
  7. Our resort only had valet parking. I tossed the guys my keys to the bike and asked them to be gentle with it. They got a laugh outta that and then allowed us to park right behind their valet station so they could watch the bikes for us. Rock star!
  8. Looking back towards town across the stream... Enough excitement for one day. It's almost dark and we're off to bed.
  9. Crossed the creek that divides the resorts from the private homes on the other side. These guys make slightly more money than I do each year...
  10. We're drunk and full and tired from the day's ride. But it's only like 3:30 PM local time, so we walk around looking at shit for a couple of hours...
  11. And into another sidewalk cafe.... This one apparently serves dogs at the bar, sounds good to us... Neil is happy with a small plate of nachos...
  12. Not much by way of chow here, so off we go...
  13. Beers were good but menu looked kinda iffy, so off we wander into the village... and into a slope-side outdoor cafe. Tempo was about 75F - which felt freakin' cold to us - with a light breeze. Great place to sit and get toasted on locally brews...
  14. Okay, we've been here for 10 minutes, time to find beer and some food for Neil. Off we go and fall into the hotel bar - didn't get too far...
  15. We we firmly ensconced in suite on the ground floor, even got a small patio room upgrade. Sweet!
  16. After lunch we rode the last 60 miles or so to our hotel in Vail... Nice place, but I felt kinda weird walking in there with all of my riding gear on.
  17. We humped across Kansas and eastern Colorado as fast as we could. 650 miles and 10 hours later, we're in Idaho Springs, Colorado for lunch. Pizza at BeauJo's.... I had like 2 pieces and Neil killed the rest. Amazing.
  18. Up at 0300 again the next day in an effort to beat the heat. It was 87F at 3:00 AM! This is gonna suck. Packing up the sleds...
  19. I said the hotel was weird. We parked under the canopy at the main entrance, and then had to walk over this railroad track bridge to the building... Odd layout for a hotel.
  20. We're fat and happy with bellies full of food and beer, so we head back to the hotel. Downtown Lawrence....
  21. At 5'6" and 120 lbs., Neil can eat more than anyone I know. Little fucker killed it...
  22. Ice cold Stella for starters.... And then the chow arrives. Half rack for me... And the Cholesterol Platter for Neil....
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