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Everything posted by Earache

  1. Lake Tahoe is a good lace to stay and hang out for a day. Casino's are generally pretty cheap places to stay on week nights and have nicer rooms, good selection of food, bars, etc too... Roads around the Lake don't suck... There can be a lot of traffic on weekends and holidays though.
  2. A few places that others in the thread mentioned - Mt. Evans, CO Crater Lake, OR Be sure to ride The Avenue of the Giants near Garberville, CA and pass through the Redwoods. We hit that area and then stay at our favorite beachfront hotel....
  3. I always hit Santa Fe on the way - only for the food. Best shit ever if you like hot stuff and full flavors...
  4. Idaho is also good... Grand Canyon is cool, but the crowds and expense of staying in the area kinda kill the buzz a bit... If ya book now- you might get into one of the small lodges... Last trip there, I booked 6 months in advance and get stuck in the $120 a night shitty dorm style place... Shit food at the restaurants there as well - much like college cafeterias but at high prices. Hope you like loud kids cause there's a shitload of them running around - everywhere.
  5. I ride west twice each year, and have for the past 14 years and have ridden in all of the 48 lower states ( and vowed never to ride in a few of them again:D ), I'd be happy to help ya out with any route info ya might need. Colorado and Utah are my two most favorite places to ride in the US. Colorado: Utah: Bets advice I'd give is to get a National Parks Annual Pass for $80 - it'll get you and your wife into all of the parks and makes entry a lot less hassle. Don't overload your bike with a lot of shit you'll never need. 400 miles per day is a piece of cake - we usually do more than that before lunch. Might be different if you're on a sportbike.
  6. Quit bashing the guy - he got the wave in and a great picture on frame 2. More than most cruiser riders achieve on the Gap.
  7. Use Alvin's Lab Metal - High Temp. I've used it as a filler and powdered over it loads of times and it works great. It's made specifically for filling in powdercoating applications. Powders are cured at 350-425 degrees, depending on color and type of finish desired. edit: http://www.alvinproducts.com/Products/Products.asp?id=2 Be sure to get the high temp type and a can of the solvent. Lab metal is almost like a putty, so you'll need to stir in some solvent to make it flow. You'll also need some of the solvent to pour on top of the Lab Metal when storing to keep it from drying out.
  8. The MotoGP crowd isn't shit compared to the GenCon gang as far as dollars spent on hotels, food and bars. So we can't feel too badly when they don't give a shit about bikers.
  9. +1 If I wanted to wave all damned day, I'd buy a boat.
  10. Whipped one up outta some scrap I had lying around the shop; Left one end "open" so the ramp would slide into the slots... Lightweight and stands up in the corner when not being used... If I had to buy all of the steel, it'd add up to less than $100. Thing is stout and will hold a truck if needed. Or a fat assed harley.
  11. Religion is something I'd to keep to myself. Can't get people to agree on politics, favorite beer, best bike or anything else. So you can see where this might go.
  12. Not really - the biggest displayer in recent years, Parts Unlimited, will not be participating this year - so the rumor mill says. The Show in the past 2 years has become a sham, nothing like it was in it's heyday. Nothing new, very few exhibitors, etc. The thought is that Orlando is more of a destination and will bring back more visitors and exhibitors. I don't think it's going to bring that much back, but a few more might go for Disney. It'll be a waste of money to go to it this year.
  13. This will probably be the last year for the Dealer Show in Indy. Rumor has it that it will move to Orlando in 2014 and be held in October from now on.
  14. The shitload of cops at MidO is one of the reasons I quit going. And they watch every route out of there like a hawk as well - just waiting to pounce on unsuspecting out of staters that aren't used to Ohio cops. And the Indy MotoGP has taken away a lot of their dollars as well. If you're from the Midwest and can only afford one race weekend a year, MidO for an AMA race ain't gonna be it.
  15. Hi Todd - I live in Indy but graduated from OU in '81. Great roads down there. Rode through Bloomington last Friday (Routes 446 and 45). Have you been to Zanesville recently? I stopped at a bar there for lunch on my bike and the bartender had a copy of your magazine for me to read while I ate. Small world.
  16. I have a milling machine at home - maybe I'll "redesign" mine. What is new with the redesigned ones? Another hole somewhere?
  17. Earache


    I went to high school with her - she was worse then.
  18. I have a Vapor but had to take it off as it killed my reception. Looked cool though!
  19. It was fun being there, too!
  20. Earache

    #1 stunna!

    Agreed. But I think she's Spanish and not Asian - like it makes any difference to me:D
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