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Everything posted by Earache

  1. No hating here, that'll be a good first bike to learn to ride on. I'm kinda late to the thread, but if you'd like to go riding with me for a weekend - maybe somewhere south - I'd be more than happy to show you what little bit I know about riding. A couple of days spent on your riding skills will help you quite a bit. Good luck!
  2. I thought it was an "endurance" ride. What did ya do after lunch?
  3. It's southwest, but who's paying any attention anyway? Welcome to OR!
  4. I can't count the Colts games I've watched where they pull shit outta their asses in the last 5 minutes of a game and win it. Can't understand why they don't play the entire game the way they do the final few minutes. Hope their success continues.
  5. Shhh. Don't ruin it. Little Green Fairies and they're gonna fuck you up! Run, run and hide!!!!!
  6. You're gonna see fairies!!!!!!
  7. Sorry to be the harbinger of bad news. But the French / Flemish name shoulda tipped you off. No German in their right mind would ever name a beer Stella Artois ! Artois is a region of France.
  8. That's Belgian - kinda far from Germany as far as beers go
  9. Whores gotta make a living too, ya know
  10. I agree - that 12 year old boy, tit-less look is hawt!
  11. PM me on the P7's - for what? I got that Hamer just before we went: , so I didn't need anything. All we saw were a bunch of cheap crap - shops aren't selling the high dollar shit right now as no one has the cash to buy.
  12. Because he's got more cash than he knows what to do with maybe? I just hope I can get him to let me ride it! We also went to find a few vintage guitars that we've been looking for - didn't find shit though. Heading to Nashville, TN in a couple of weeks on a axe buying trip. Have an appointment with a vintage dealer there that has some cool shit. Pics of that trip later....
  13. Ended the night by going to a bar to see our bud Sean play. Had a bunch of drinks and rocked out all night. Fun! Ealry assed flight outta LAX in the morning while still drunk from the night before. Not so fun. Good to get out of LA though - what a shithole.
  14. Last day here and we headed to Venice Beach to see the freaks. This is the reason why I hate California - they tolerate these fucked up assholes and allow them to breed.... Bunch of the fuck ups standing in a drum circle watching the sun go down. A great group of corporate climbers...
  15. Shit, I can't even afford this ride...
  16. You guys done washing my Lambo yet?
  17. Even Ben's boyfriend thought the ride was pretty sweet...
  18. Saw this ride parked on Sunset. Kinda weird and goth. Liked the rims though...
  19. Went up to Melrose and Sunset to look at the shops for crap. Looks like even the liberals in the area are sick of Nobama's shit...
  20. Spent 5 nights in Vegas and was drunk each night. Was glad to be getting outta there and onto LA. Stopped by Pro Italia in Glendale to see if they had anything new since I was here last in February. Nope. Not much... Wanted to hget the wife a Vanson jacket, but the selection kinda sucked this time. Bummer.
  21. New cost-way-too-much- Lexus was outside...
  22. Back to the Show... Cool trucks outside of the convention hall....
  23. Before heading to the show the next day, Clint wanted to go check out a bike shop that had a bike he's thinking about getting... I was really digging the frame and swingarm construction...
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