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Everything posted by Earache

  1. Bumfuck, Nevada.... So what are we supposed to do with our dead animals and large boxes?
  2. Only because I didn't shoot any pics when it was freakin' snowing and sleeting on us:D
  3. Way to build it up. It's not that good.
  4. 2+ inches here so far and it's still coming down. It's the White Death I tell ya! Get bread! Get milk! Get canned goods while you can! Run! Horde! Run!
  5. I'd vote for that as well. Best time of year to go as far as snow cover and temps go. We'll sweat our asses off across the plains, but it'll be nice once we get there.
  6. Dunno. I'm going to Colorado for July 4th again. I'll ride out and meet the wife (she'll fly) in Gateway for a couple of days. It's not really on the way to Montana, but could do a diversion and get it in there. Or, I could do it later in the summer. Went there in May and June before and some of the mountain passes and roads were closed due to avalanche. Need to go after July so all of the snow can be outta the way. Also had to ride 2 days in hard rain, sleet and snow.....and I don't wanna do that again.
  7. $3.60 is still too much for Sport Rider.
  8. Hate people that post random Youtube shit, but this is bike related and pretty weird as well... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKqpvriKZuA
  9. I'm going to ride more and ride like my hair is on fire and my ass is catchin'! Seriously though, I do want to get in a few more trips and ride a bit more before I'm too old to do it anymore.
  10. This place is right in the middle of the best riding area of Indiana though. We'll have to do an OR trip here in the summer, when alcohol is beingserved, and stay a couple of nights. Ride all day, drink and gamble all night.
  11. So I wander outside to shoot some pics. Looking in windows like Chester the Molester. Surprised no one called 911 on me...
  12. Apparently there's no swimming allowed om Xmas either... Pool Bar was deserted as well...
  13. One of the restaurants was bustling with activity... One of my favorite bar hangouts from our many previous trips here was jumpin' as well....
  14. Common areas were all but deserted...
  15. West Baden is a rather large, round building. The front desk area is in a smaller rotunda...
  16. So no whorin', no drinkin' and I don't gamble. I now know why I never stayed in Indiana for Xmas before. Only thing left to do is wander around and take pics while the wife blows every cent shre has in the Casino. This place looks like the hotel from "The Shining"... Great marble and tile work here. The place was built in the 1880's and lots of the orginal work remains.
  17. I hear that from all the girls....
  18. So I get down there and what do I see? This... Are you freakin' shittin' me? What is with this backwards assed State?
  19. I decide to saunter down to the Atrium Bar to partake of an ice cold Stella. I can see from my balcony that the bar is vacant...
  20. I've lived in Indiana for the past 25 years, but this was the first Xmas that I stayed here for the Holiday. We usually take a trip this week, but didn't this year. We have no kids and I have no relatives within 1,000 miles of here, wife's family in Ohio is busy with their kids, so we cruised downto one of our faborite local places; French Lick, Indiana. Just down the road from Gnaw Bone, Indiana...ya can't miss it. We're staying at the West Baden Hotel which is adjacent to the French Lick Casino. Xmas day of drinking, gambling and whorin'. Not many whores around though. As one might imagine, it's a ghost town. No one here except us. Great looking tree in the Atrium...
  21. I was having flashbacks from my flights over 'Nam in the 1960's.....
  22. Tammy Tampax and the Wide Adhesive Strips You can thank me later..........
  23. But I'll vote for her anyway. This time......
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