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Everything posted by Stanello

  1. Take the thermostat out and cut the guts out of it leaving the outer rim. Put it back in and drive it. That should give you plenty of time to get it where you need it to be.
  2. I've driven about 1000mi on a blown coolant seal and a blown apex seal. It just takes a while to get up to speed.
  3. Basically yeah. But only the 84-91 non-turbo 13Bs are 6 port. The 13Bs rotors, and rotor housings are wider than their 12A counterparts, but the diameter is the same. The letter in the engine code stands for the width. The 12A rotors also have a funky directional combustion chamber bowl.
  4. I think you're the guy I borrowed some tape from when I ran out. If not, disregard this post.
  5. I did see one fox body out there. He was running with my group. Black with T-Bird or something wheels. I got 4th out of 5 in STS2 (If I remember right). I feel like I got the most out of my car that I could. Time for some much needed upgrades to the Miata. Wheels/Tires being #1. The best I can figure with the timer issue is maybe there is an underground powerline where the initial finishline was causing too much noise. I don't remember seeing any overhead powerlines. You couldn't ask for better weather though, anyone else get a little sunburnt? I'm sure working the course during the timer delay didn't help any.
  6. Yeah, I'm still planning on beinng there. Congrats on your "find" 2 Zum.
  7. Damn.. thats the first I've heard of that.
  8. I have seen that car in person, and it is truly amazing. Not my ideal FD, but you cannot ignore the amount of work put into that car.
  9. Very nice vid... I did allrite following the track from what I've learned from GT4 and Forza
  10. Street legal huh? I'd like to see that pass Cali inspection.
  11. Stanello


    Just saw this on another forum... very badass car.
  12. Lookin good joe, been a while since I've seen it.
  13. 5'3" I win the shortness award! YAy!
  14. Fire is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. hahahaha
  15. Stanello


    A bit of language... so maybe NWS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYnn51C3X_w
  16. Nice vid! Sounds like your passenger had fun.
  17. Save the dolphins? Wish I would've known about this gathering.
  18. It looks like I'm not going to make it. This will be 2 events in a row I've missed, not happy about that. I may show up a bit late and do some spectating, we'll see.
  19. Should be fun. What tire do the street tire guys run for wet conditions?
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