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Everything posted by Stanello

  1. Somebody get that bitch a sock!
  2. If I was West Philadelphia born and rasied, would the playground be where I would spend most of my days?
  3. I would LOVE to have a CVT transmission. What's wrong with keeping your engine at peak power under full accel? I know my car would be a hell of a lot faster.
  4. Stanello


    Hmm.... PM Sent
  5. HAHA beat my old time. 1:55
  6. You can find the Japaneese imported longblocks for 3500-4kish, but it will more than likey need a rebuild.
  7. It might even hook up with all the weight in the back. I'm curious to see how/where he's running a radiator, oil cooler, and an intercooler if it is still turbo.
  8. Too bad it would still be ugly.
  9. Get comfortable, it's long. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsZO6G7dfpI
  10. Stanello

    CS anyone?

    Just got the game a couple weeks ago. My id is VinnyMulligan
  11. I thought that it was a slide throttle at first, but it looks to be individual butterflies.
  12. I'm going try and run the whole schedule this year, but we'll see how that goes. Still need to save up for some tires on the Miata.
  13. The top lines of the side windows need to match the windshield line. Just looks odd.
  14. 10-30-2005, and still going?
  15. +2. Went outside last night with a flashlight to see what the hell it was. I noticed the snow was all jacked up around the perimeter of the house. So I figured it was ice falling off.
  16. A guy on my rx7 forum did this a while back: http://www.rx7club.com/showthread.php?t=556989
  17. http://www.sfondideldesktop.com/Images-Cars/Alfa-Romeo/156-Gta/Alfa-Romeo-156-Gta-0001/Alfa-Romeo-156-Gta-0001.jpg
  18. Stanello


    Alum Creek represent! I gave the Miata a once over after I got home today, and found a couple spots that weren't there the last time I washed it. I'm sure I'll find more when I wash it later. Pic came out a bit blurry, but you get the idea. http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k205/stanello/bad.jpg
  19. My Miata beat a Chrysler Town and Country from a dig. True Story.
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