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Everything posted by 2insanezx10r

  1. Not me neither. C-Bus is definatly having bad luck with motorcyclist.
  2. :lol:That is some funny shit.
  3. That bike does look bad ass.
  4. Fusion let me know when you decide to do a track day I have'nt had the PLEASURE of doing one but I can't wait either.
  5. DEDICATION. Was that bike a honda also.
  6. some kick ass photos man. I'm jealous!!
  7. This makes more since because how can someone put a lein on something that you actually own. Meaning having the title.
  8. If your getting a loan for the bike the bank should find out if there is any lien's on the bike if there is than the bank will not give you the loan until the lein is taken care of.
  9. I'm just glad to hear that he had minor injuries.
  10. I take back all I said about Lutter. "and that all i got to say about that".
  11. Hey Zero do work their? You know an awful lot about that place.
  12. Hey man I rode my 2000 busa to New Mexico and not lying it did kick my ass but as for as sport touring it is an awsome bike. Go with the 08 man just change the bars. The orange is bad ass.
  13. Hey Gump did you take the cat with ya? I rode to work for the first time this year and talk about bug city. It was still nice to clear the head before going in and baby sitting 85 driver's.
  14. I thought they shortend that up a little on the 08.
  15. Really nice bikes. Diggin the Kawi lookin sweet.
  16. Cool buddy thanks, I'll definately holler at you.
  17. Hey gixxie let me know when you go next time and I will head up. I'll be in Akron this weekend.I'm missing out on the Deals Gap ride as well as the Putnam gig. Keep me informed Bro. Thanks.
  18. Looks like that cat in his avatar is named phuc-you-up.
  19. No man its Ben Derover.:drink:Welcome Ben.
  20. 2insanezx10r

    420 day.

    who had the parties and thanks for invitin. Missed out on another kick ass 420 day.
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