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Everything posted by 2insanezx10r

  1. Shit man the way the weather is hell we cant even count on the weather man. Day to Day. Hopefully soon lookin foward to running with that big zx14. Be cool man.
  2. Tht definately is a nice blue man. pic turned out nice on the first page. post up a pic of that brock man. You get that PM I sent you on the Muzzy.
  3. Dude is only 20 hopefully he'll learn the EASYYYYYYYYYYYYY way. Not too many lucky breaks. He will find out.
  4. Man is that division or addition. way too techical for me.:microwave:my brain after that one.
  5. 2insanezx10r

    FS: Ducati

    Hey Benyen buy my zx10 man only 15,000.00 you can have it. Hellllllllllllllll of a deal.
  6. Damn sorry not bustin in scooters per say just a phrase. You better slow that damn scooter down though.
  7. Its a good thing he followed up and called felony eluding damn nothin but trouble man. Dustin the one who actually pulled over said all he was going to do was warn them anyways. to slow down 86 in a 65.
  8. A couple of guys I work with were riding last week and they went to pass a semi on 70 and a state boy was behind them apperently they had not seen him and the cop ended up getting tag numbers well one ran and one pulled over. The one who pulled over the trooper told him to have his buddy call the number on his buisness card or they would put a warrent out for his arrest. Well Mike ended up calling the trooper and had to go in to talk to him in person he just gave him a warning and said next time it would be alot worse for him. Just a FYI.
  9. Man I thought the 08 zx10r was supposed to be soooo bad ass hell Kawasaki is in last place so far. Figures. CBR1000RR 08:honda:
  10. My bad I thought it said his helmet saved his life. I'm probably wrong though it would'nt be the first time maybe the second though. Ha Ha
  11. They must think alike and also enjoing an MMA fight. Damn go figure. I just drive a couple days a week I supervise for transportation we deliver at McDonalds and chipolte I enjoy driving a hell of a lot more than baby sitting.
  12. Ninja did you see the pics of the guy riding a bike that rear ended a yellow freight truck at 120 and he stuck his helmet through the rear door and the truck dragged him for like a 1/4 mile? the dude actually lived damn.
  13. Damn that is fuked up. I drive a dump truck on my days off. That dude should have been paying attention. Hope the little boy lives.
  14. Dude can ride its just like we were talking in another post theres a time and place and he definately makes some bad choices.
  15. Did'nt go to my H.S. I think I could have looked right pass there faces. Shiiittt man.
  16. Welcome to the bIG HOUSE. GO BLUE should I say GO GREEEEEEEEEEEN.
  17. Nope no RVT in my area. Welcome aboard though.
  18. 2insanezx10r


    Satan you guys supposed to get together on Sunday. If the weather is nice that is?? Let us know..
  19. Welcome and go 49ers this year nothin personal yeah right.
  20. Damn that looks like fun lets go trackin..........
  21. Damn she even went greeeeen I'm impressed. Welcome and go GREEEEEEN
  22. They saw him comming for sure. I wish I could be his sales man. I've even got land for him.
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