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Everything posted by 2insanezx10r

  1. dude I did'nt see any Duc's they did have BMW though Big KTM dealer had mor of those than anything.
  2. Man Lutter is tough on the ground. I know Franklin is also but really its hard to tell. Its gonna be all good. Waiting to see what Kawi kid thinks.
  3. Man I think they thought they saw SUCKER on my hat not M&M which is whats on it. What a waste of an hour that I won't get back.HA HA:rolleyes:
  4. Yeah look what happend to GSP last fight. It's not going to happen this time GSP all the way. Franklin and Lutter is probably going to be a better fight than the main event. IMO. I'll take Lutter.
  5. I just need to vent. I went down to that Honda dealer this afternoon in hilliard. (HNW) Some one was talking about yesterday. OMG I told them I was interested in trading in my 07 zx10 that has 822 miles on it for a CBR1000 08. Anyways the salesman comes back after checking out what they could give me for my bike and tells me that they would give me 6000.00 for mine. Big fuking joke but what the kicker was is that they said that the 08zx10 is going for 8000.00. :eek:I just laughed and to kick it off I asked what kind of deal are they doing for the CBR and he said that he would sell the red and grey one to me for 11,520.00. I feel sorry if anyone has bought a bike from this shister of a place. Just wanted to let everyone know and hopefully they won't get our buisness.
  6. Just keep me informed I'm sure you will. Thanks.
  7. we got some HD haters on this site. I'd have the 08 fat boy in a heartbeat. BTW my neighbor bought the 100 edition and has almost 80,000 miles and still going. Gotta take care of your shit.
  8. thanks for directions I'll stop out. I won't be on the kawi. Like to see if they have the 08 CBR1000. Catch ya later.
  9. Man I"ll be in Lancaster til about 1:30 you think it will be still going on? Also where is HNW easy to get to.
  10. The Boz system I was digging man I can't believe you changed it out. How could you tell you were losing power? I was actually thinking of checking into the that system. Guess I will stick with the Muzzy
  11. Hey Ninja man I don't think its going to be worth a shit Sunday I think the high is going to be around 58 and RAINY. Let me know what you think. I'll call you on Sat. night when I'm watching the UFC fight.
  12. Dude love the signature. hilarious man.
  13. You guys have a kick ass time and ride hard....Wish I could make it with you guys sucks I have to work next weekend..
  14. My 17 year told me I was insane for riding this zx10 after I let him ride it Hence 2insanezx10r. He actually hit 132 on it and I told him there was alot left.
  15. Sorry guys to be like this but I slept damn good today did'nt miss a thing. Forum up and running with my 2 cups of coffee this evening. Thanks guys.
  16. I'd like to know where the angel is at on my other shoulder.
  17. Oh shit I don't need that temptation. Bad enough with what we have.
  18. Thats crazy man. Can you say adios liscence.
  19. It seems like your so limited to just going out and enjoying a ride. I don't know man. Unless you had two zx14's.
  20. That's fricken crazy man.
  21. Cool man I'm right down from rt 68 North.Just about 6 miles and 3 min away.HA HA I'll PM you my number.
  22. Should have known it be you even though I was thinking the same thing. Must be a Kawi thing:D
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