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Everything posted by cbrjess0815

  1. Way better than grattan!!! Lol
  2. From our resident old guy junkie lol...
  3. Rtv/gasket maker around the filter drain plug and cap
  4. We can silicone it at the track. Thats what i usually do
  5. Sweet! That would work out well then. You and e can ride together(if he still has the trailer available) and i have one junkie that wants to go so he can be in my trailer! Perfect weekend if we have to i think i can get a 4 bike trailer though
  6. Hmmm, i knew this was gonna happen lol. Brandon i call a space in your trailer! We should leave early saturday morning to go to the campground
  7. I have a few things i will have to order from them soon! They seem to have some amazing prices!
  8. sweet ousley! I wish I could go with you!!!
  9. dont worry, we'll take care of ya should something happen. always have the buddy system at a track day!!
  10. Normally we've got you covered on tools, sometimes spare parts, and a wealth of knowledge from the mechanical genius tuna(who will be there). you're good to go! Are you gonna camp with us? there will be plenty of room and you're totally welcome to join!
  11. He sold gixxie, his uncle or cousin is buying the vistrom, he sold the 07 2 days ago and the remaining bike thats left is the 05 race bike and the 07 750 that is in pieces
  12. He doesnt have many bikes anymore!! He's down to the tl only now!!
  13. there is NOTHING homo about Gio. I don't know VS though. Gio is a panty dropper fo sho..
  14. I did go to bike night though... Even though i wasnt on my bike it was still nice to ride again
  15. Yea last night totally didn't happen the way i thought it would. I still havent seen the movie yet
  16. sweet! new toys always give me a happy. i was elated when i got my own trailer. no more hitchin rides and beggin. it changes your life LOL
  17. I own all the books too! lol and have read each of them several times
  18. Ha! Halfway consists of a cornfield called wilmington..
  19. Remember how you said you dont wanna drive 2 hours to be with a girl? I am pretty certain i can be ruled out for that
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