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Everything posted by cbrjess0815

  1. Omg.... I feel violated just opening this thread now lol
  2. Yep.. Its definitely fun.. I love the layout
  3. Hell yea ananda!! You will like putnam, its so fun!
  4. We shall see. I gotta get thru august first!! Lol
  5. hey! harry potter is awesome! I'm seeing it this week
  6. cbrjess0815


    I rode backpack like once, maybe twice before I went and bought mne. and I had only ridden a dirtbike one time as well. I hopped on and forced myself to learn. If she actually gets a bike and learns how to ride then cool, good for her. hopefully she buys some damned gear while she's at it. but talking about it accomplishes nothing. and thats all it is, just talk. that and the desperate groupie backpack thing
  7. Well i am going balls out and doing both!
  8. Actually madcat, if you're going with me, the group discount makes it cheaper than the coupons do.. I'll pm you with the plans and details shortly
  9. totally not gonna happen. I hate it when my laptop get stolen everytime the boys dont ask me for a date AT LEAST 3 times per day...
  10. why thank you captain obvious. I was only married to someone for 2 years in an engineer unit. I would love to grant the army more props than that lazy ass moron could possibly provide for the US Military. Hence why I am asking people who have the experience and can give the god honest truth which i was lied to about throughout the duration of my failure i call 'marriage' ugh, i am at 'bitter' point.. what I am saying is, what does the army engineer(if that is the definitive title) actually do
  11. uhm. so i am told the only thing engineers do in the army is blow things up. enlighten me, someone. please?
  12. do it john. i feel like an even bigger retard every time i open this thread now.. lol
  13. cbrjess0815


    hmm, well i dont think they are from coshocton so it might not have the same effect as it does for you dear but you could still offer it
  14. cbrjess0815


    I lol'd for sure! Thats why I checked out this thread this morning. I had to see what you guys were talking about
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