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Everything posted by cbrjess0815

  1. The link for directions to the state park http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=cincinnati%2C+oh&daddr=39.47917%2C-86.88333+%28Richard+Lieber+State+Park%29&hl=en I'm still working on the phone number. I think its $13 a night for primitive which are really nice. the bathrooms are super clean, and yes there are showers
  2. I'll dig up the info from my last event i planned...
  3. Congrats Ben! Time for yet another party! lol
  4. If I may, I would suggest camping at richard lieber state rec park. Only because the hotels around Putnam are more or less terrifying. let me show you why http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4NWUHzcsxM This is one of my favorite junkies videos That hotel is extra creepy. Its not taken care of at all and there are bullet holes and scary shit all over..
  5. ^lol now the dude on the CBR is quite laughable.. that is just sad..
  6. i will be at gingerman that weekend
  7. Thats ok.. I'd rather see someone get wise and admit they need to learn and be safer than see them eat shit in the pavement and suck food through a straw the rest of their lives is all...
  8. holy hell! that beautiful bike is being violated with the lack of form! where is lizard when ya need him! And regardless of temperature, I think I'd rather keep my skin than risk it like that... just sayin If he's a 'good' rider like that, then get him some form lessons at a trackday and see what happens when he figures it out!!!
  9. cbrjess0815


    lol, i was so confused yesterday when people were talking about that. They were like 'you didn't see the thread???' now it all makes sense why everyone was laughing when they went for a ride!!
  10. cbrjess0815


    lol.. i actually read the whole thing this morning. (i was very bored at work, it ocupied my time in its fascinating amusement) This girl is never gonna ride a motorcycle. She is too sscared, you can tell by her earliest posts. first the lying about riding and having a bike, and then saying she doesnt want something too heavy but its gotta be fast.. thats retarded. I'm sure I have stated this before, but a girl can ride almost any type/weight/size/style bike she wants if she has the confidence and willingness to do it. But no, She'll be a backpack(and not even a good one with crap for gear) all her life if she doesnt just grow a pair and get on a bike. That can definitely be determined from this entire thread. and sorry for being late but I had to throw that out there...
  11. cbrjess0815


    Lol i cant believe i missed this entire thread
  12. moose, i will make you some damned cheesy potatoes as soon as casper makes his amazing chili again.. there, maybe this will start some organization for a chili cookoff?? eh, eh?? and you cant wait til Christmas for it cuz I will be playing soldier girl lol
  13. lol.. i was ono at like 1 or 2 this morning and couldnt get it to load but never thought anything of it. i thought i was just drunk and too inept to work the interwebs LOL
  14. hell yea!1 it was great to see my fave familiar faces and meet some new ones!! I knew I should have come up friday and made it a weekend party though.. i just knew it!! lol
  15. i better see you tomoro Yota!!!!
  16. lol yep.. thats the one!!
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