pass it every few days been out there for about a month. NEVER seen anyone looking at it ha. right rear is almost flat to.. figured they would atleast keep up with it
So while googling how to spell burrito (cause well im dumb) first thing that pops up is a link to urban dictionary for "Latino Burrito"
the definition being " Latino Burrito
A Latino Burrito is when a man ejects every bodely fluid ( Sperm, Poop, Pee, Throw up) into a women's vagina and has another individual eat the fluids out of the vagina simulating a burrito hence the, "Latino Burrito"
Hans gave Jack's mother a Latino Burrito and made Jack eat it out.
wtf, that is all
i mean you cant go wrong these any of these wheels, do you like any of these sugestions?
this white cars got a nice set on them what are those?
Hope these help bud