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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Skyzone NOOOOOOOOOO. I broke the shit out of my ankle there in May at my daughters b-day party after about 15 seconds in and the third bounce. Then had to sit there in the worst pain for an hour while the 6 kids I took finished their hour. My shit is still jacked up :).

    Your old... or a moron :lol:

  2. You used to be at every car show you could get to..... Did you spend money on cosmetics..... Tint, cut springs, carbon fiber hood..... Id say you spent money, and you car looks gay as fuck. You drive a shit box truck and you own a poop dick neon that's beat to shit. And your going to judge this guy.


    Are you on crack? i took my car to ONE car show an it was the cr car show and didnt even enter it... good try tool.


    tint lowered yup paid for hood came with my parts car an it was a no brainer to swap it over since mine was damaged from someone hitting it on ccampus.


    phil you talk like you got some nice shit you drive just as big of a pos kia an your gto aint nothign special. it sure as fuck isant any more special then my srt



    again GTFO off my nuts.

  3. His paint cost more than you will make this year bus boy. What have you ever owned that has looked half way decent??? I love your judgment when you cant even afford his opinion :gtfo:


    Did i ever say i did?NOPE. DO i take my car to car shows? fuck no. Did i spend money to make it my car looks gay as fuck. SURE AS HELL NOT


    get off my nuts phil

  4. I am thinking about doing a traditional wedding cake for Sean and I to do the cake cutting (just a small cake) then having a cookie brownie bar for everyone else.


    Cheryls cookies taste like asss


    And I hate cake soooo I vote brownie :)


    Sry we dont have 40k to spend on our wedding! We have to do things within our means and we both love cheryls cookies, I dont believe I asked if you liked them. I asked which you would rather have...


    you were preety much giving options as to what you were going to do.. an asked for an opinion... I have mine an you flip out on me...


    please excuse me for doing what you asked...wow

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