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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. It's got 280whp, what do you expect it to look like vs people with twice the HP roll racing...?


    well from a low roll you got trolled on by that little green booger....


    hell even my old washed up neon beat that car from a dig... from a low roll...




    roy its been a while since weve raced ill get my junk out sometime

  2. +1 on no power turns.


    Can we also add have a heart for people that are new to boating. If you see them struggling how about offering to help rather then cuss at them.


    I am fairly new to boating and refuse to go to any of the larger lakes yet cause I have not mastered the 2 minute speed drill of loading and unloading. To be honest I would be happy if there was a dedicated "newbie" ramp.


    i felt the same way when i first started but practive makes perfect. i can back up my trailer launch an tie to the docks(away fromm where i launched) and pulled the truck out with in two minuites all while doing this by my self. :D just something you will learn to do quickly an safely. you will have no problem.


    happy boating bud.


    edit: oh and powerturns ftl especially on my old boat good lord that sucked getting hit from every direction from wakes

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