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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Paul tends to think anything he has consumed is the best evar! Im not off till maybe 7 and im showing pre gaming and going cougar hunting hopefully


    in for Borgatas at 7:30


    You of all people dissapoint me




    Ill be at qsl text me when u gays not guys are donde

  2. Paul tends to think anything he has consumed is the best evar! Im not off till maybe 7 and im showing pre gaming and going cougar hunting hopefully


    Actually I'm just throwing out ideas prick. Get off my balls lately bc

  3. why are you pussy whipped?[/quote

    Hmm not sure how you can say i am.... seeing as you know nothin about me in the last few months....and hell no one can all i do is work 7 days a week all day.


    try again

  4. hate to say it guys but the police cant use those as a patrol car. A under cover/ detective car no problem. The issue with those is they need to be auto stick on the shifter column that way the center console is free for the radio equipment and the DVR systems. Due to that I cant see it being used as a patrol car. plus on top of that it doesent look like there is room for the laptop to mount to on the passenger side.


    you are aware that personal chargers have teh shifter down there...but the cops cars are converted to on the colum... an umm chargers are everrrrryyywhere now so your logic doesnt work

  5. I dont care if you like the "new me" or not. I am not here to please you or anyone.


    i drive an s10 because it was given to me for free dollars why the heck wouldnt i drive it? the srt is still in my driveway not too worried about it.


    an yes i deleted you today.. along with 30+ other people... why you ask? Im not on fb to have the most friends i am on there to talk to friends an keep in touch... we never communicate on there soo therefore you got booted.


    Any one else have any questions?

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