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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Umm yea my name is Vince and as stated in my name i am Maces Son who sells a lot of things through this forum i like to play sports and video games i am a real staright guy when comes to selling things so yea everybody have fun.


    What I got from this is your here to sell things?


    No thanks this isant craigslist :gtfo: an learn to read the stickies on how to get in this forum



  2. paul shut the hell up you're just pissed you arent adorned with the coveted troll nomenclature.


    tell me when i can beat that neon senseless. ill be glad to take the rest of your rubber pesos out of that piggy bank before you ship off to the army. i think ill call you "pauly shore"


    Mods im requesting a name change for paul, to pauly shore:




    You talk a lot of crap about how u have this god of a bmw.. an yet have never set anything up.. my cars always here ready to go put some money on it

  3. Yeah HE DID. I think he has a whopping $15.00 now and no job. I told him that if he made an effort to save money that I would match whatever he saved. I opened him a bank account and the whole nine. He obviously could not handle that simple responsibility so he is off his rocker if he thinks I am gonna allow him to get his L's if thats all the responsibility he can show me. Driving is a big responsibility! Peoples lives are in your hands! AND I'M OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


    :lol: can you please for the love of god make him stop making useless posts untill he gets a car then

  4. Greg we had a 65 inch tv mounted at best buy an I did pull ups on it.


    I recommend upgrading the bolts from home depot the stuff that it comes with are cheap


    Other then that make sure the stud is good an sturdy an you'll be fine old man

  5. Wow... soo on my way home from work tonight I'm on main street.. and all of a sudden I see this fat chick in a grave digger fisher price (like a barbie jeep but it was a grave digger) rolling down main street.. as serious can be...


    :lol: wtf... probably the funniest thing I've ever seen, hahaha


    Please respond here, PM me or simply call my cell. Cash is king and I can easily get you more business on our street.





    (614) 795.4907 cell


    Ok waiting for it still ha ha ha.


    if your trying to get buisness try to make an effort to contact the person that is wanting work done... chances are there have been a few pms sent to him by different companies putting forth effort..... just saying


    goodluck tim

  7. Will it be faster than your black supra by a lot or a little? From a cost comparison do you feel this is the next fastest step? Just wondering since I think, for the money, you could do a lot more with your former platform (unless you feel it was maxed). There is no replacement for a super car/speed demon so if I was able to spend freely to mod a lambo I would.


    Oh and the yellow looks good, congrats!


    if i remember correctly the black car was sold and someone totaled it.

  8. That won't be happening this summer. The car has been together for more than a week now it is awfully mighty to brag about 2 lengths on a truck motor though


    :lol: oh you know so little.... so when are we gonna do this since you seem to have your big boy pants on?

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