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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Anyone else think that its funny that after selling any and all personal belongings worth a shit to be able to afford to have a child only to get ahold of a chunk of cash and the most important thing to buy is a fucking "race car"!


    Actually it isnt very funny, its sad... You should be proud. But I am sure you will have to sell it soon anyways just to pay child support.


    Hope you lose another rear end!


    Winner winner... you need to post more often chris :lol:


    I will still be walkin the shit out of bthat big pile of scrap

  2. You can go buy a cheep blue ray player for less then a 100 bucks an watch your net flix threw that way. Almost all of them will support netflix. Good thing about net flix accounds is you can use it on multiple systems. This would be the easier way to do it (just is gonna cost u some money but hey now ull have a blue ray player)
  3. Mjrsplat. Yea I'm going to agree with schmuck you are ba freeking idiot if your going to go get a baby sitter so u can go street race your piece of shit supra. Hell even if u didn't race u still gave up ur kid to be worthless parking lot troller.




  4. I do respect and appreciate the comments/time to correct me, but I don't post pictures of my car or family online. If I don't get approved due to that.... I understand and respect that rules are rules.


    :lol: paranoid much.


    Look we have rules here you can follow them an get in or you can't follow them an you will. Not get into the site.




    Random fact of the day hyundais on 20s are fucking gayyyy

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