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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Paul.. you are one to talk!


    You are probably sitting by your girls fireplace as we speak looking at her avon catalog.


    :lol: in bed watching her sleep... wayyyy less creepy.


    Also I've been sinlge for five years. I found a girl who will actually touch my peepee not letting this one go

  2. when are you coming home so we can go epic drinkin and hoe chasin?


    No hoe chasin for dover. Only thing he's chasin is flower an care bear trucks for his girl :D

  3. since no one is posting pics ill post a few more... is it spring time yet?


    ahh sure do miss Arkansas.. Bull shoals lake 75+ miles of shoreline







    ran out of gas bahaha



    see how glassy the water is 95% of the time there it was like that perfffecttt

    our house boat in Arkansas with twin mercruiser 200s did 21mph :lol:




    you might be having a good time when 20+ people are floating with chicken legs an beer an 80 degree water






    dont want none... 1979 johnson 115hp motor... GET SUMMMM



    awesome view



  4. good link but after i followed that i cant get my xbox live to even connect...

    Do you need me to come over and set it up?
    i might have to call you but im leavin gin 5 minuites dammmit


    Most likely need to go into your router settings. For mine' date=' I had to put the IP address of the Xbox (you can look that up in the Xbox settings) into what was called the DMZ list on my router. Did that and it fixed everything.[/quote']


    when i tryed to pyt the ip in after hitting enable it doesnt it askes for the ip an then the last box says to"


    for example "to" an its blank what do i put there?

  5. can any one help me i guess my nat setting son my 360 is set ro moderate an i need it open. but every website that trys to tell me how is speaking fucking nerd talk. im not a computer nerd can any one help me to dumb it down so i can fix this issues?
  6. What code did he cite you under? It should be listed on the ticket. I was under the impression that if you have 2 rear view mirrors you do not have to have a rear window let alone be able to see out of it. I can find tons of stuff stating the tint can be solid black for the side and rear windows behind the driver.


    337.22b it was stated in m upper post

  7. Well re-reading the your saying it was your back.


    That law is for front window obscuration.


    There is no law for rear windows.


    only front and sides.


    you do have to have a clear view of the rear.. but this can be with at least 1 side mirror.


    Go to court.


    dress appropriately.


    speak to the judge professionally.


    Plead Not guilty.


    yea it was the rear window the sides an front were fine as well as i made sure to clear the mirrors so i could see behind me.

  8. Ok i am the most respectful person when it comes to police an when i get pulled over(which has been years now)


    Saturday night i was driving down main street in reynoldsburg in my mustang(no tint v-6) not speeding nothing an i get pulled over by RPD... tells me he pulled me over because i didn't clear my rear window enough. The window was cleaned enough that i could see out of it. my front an side windows were cleared as well as the mirrors. he claims that its an obstruction, advised him it was a simple mistake i thought i had cleared enough to see out of(mind you still being police with yes sir no sir ect)


    He goes back to his car an no shit took 15 minutes( the car is paid for registered plates up to date an on the car.. wtf took 15 minutes?)


    comes back said hes giving me a ticket for it(mind you in the 15 minutes it took him to write this ticket my window had defrosted an was 100% clear...)


    i take the ticket an go on my way.


    120 for having some snow on your window are you flippen kiddding me right now?


    i get the yea yea cops are there to catch criminal but a ticket for having too much snow WHAT THE FRENCH TOAST?!?!?


    also why would i get a ticket... y dont box trucks get tickets for not being able to see out of there rear views or vans ect motorhomes people pulling trailers or those chevvy hhr with no windows ect


    ticket is 337.22b which is sign or poster on windshield... how does that have anything to do with my rear window having snow on it?? i will be going to court for this. also the ticket in the remarks said 120$ waive able. but when looking online doesn't state weather its waive able? any advice on that?




    oh an the biggest irony of it is i chose the drive the mustang because i didn't want to get pulled over in the srt4 (5% tint loud exhaust loud stereo)

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