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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Maybe I can come play... I'm completely stock though so I will be a little behind...


    Uve always been slow its ok



    Welcome to cr, I remember seeing ur car when we can down an swept house last year.



    Car looks/runs awesome though!

  2. yeah it will work fine. Your ass is going to sag on the truck though, just a heads up.


    Eeeh yes an no.... but I would defentally upgrade the rear ends suspension. To compensate for the added weight.


    An yea no 22ns they won't tow right/be safe.



    A lot of people use f150s to tow small 5th wheels ull be fine enjoy it man.

  3. Tyle being a male nurse is very beast ... an who ever doesnt agree is a homo.. he spends his time ina field dominated by women.... i dont know about u when when i go to the E R theres nothing but early 20 year old nurses around plus the dudes a bad ass cause hes got enough guns to last him threw the apocalyse.....
  4. That is funny. My question is: how do you own a truck and not own tow straps? Shit I have a bucket of tie downs and a tow strap in my Element.


    What good would it of been had he had one on him? A truck that size/weight u can't muscle out by pushing pullin by a person. He could of gotten out with some finese but did the smart thing an called mersy cause he didn't want to risk breaking his truck.. smart move to do

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