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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Sorry to bump u out austin but....



    2.13$ an hour... being a waiter in oho u made a lowsy 2.13 lol it did pump up to like 3.60 in like 04 or 05 .


    Yay I belive I'm the winner. What did I win?


    This is not easy to post but I have everyone beat first job at min wage $ 3.35 an hour. out of a job for more then 2 weeks my entire life. Work for it you lazy shits.


  2. 4.25 minimum wage back in the day erok i am currently the leader at lowest wage started


    come on old timers I know there is someone that can beat that

    Sorry to bump u out austin but....



    2.13$ an hour... being a waiter in oho u made a lowsy 2.13 lol it did pump up to like 3.60 in like 04 or 05 .


    Yay I belive I'm the winner. What did I win?

  3. I doubt that would happen that would be insane an a death wish for a gas station


    Where did u hear that from, he said she said my uncles friends mailman said he heard it on the internet... I'm just saying :lol:

  4. Not singling anyone out but have you noticed how the people that say stuff like this either don't have a car or their car is SLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry Paul :).


    Hahaha I am slow I'm ok with it... but I've seen plenty of 10 second cars. Not need trailered...


    Sounds like someone is jealous.

    Please.. why would I need to trailer my car if u build it right...



    Ur sig says u run 12s... an u trailer ur car? Hahahah gay

  5. I take it you like choppy water.


    Never been to the other places don't know any info about the ones like griggs an oshays an buckeye lake sucks since I'm by my self I'm going to alum because people I know r usually there

  6. 15.4 on a 2.4 60'.... the SHO was bogging or blowing the tires off. called it quits at lunch and went golfing


    Yea speaking of tires... the mustang needed tires badly alreaddy... so after the burn outs an launches I REALLY need tires for it ill be seeing u next week :lol:

  7. When you've been down the track 1/3 as many times as me, you can talk. :p


    Now, I know since you're obsessed with my S10, you assumed I was talking about it, but I have been through 12+ cars just in the time the S10 has been out of commission. Plenty of those have been to the track. Hell, some of them have been 15 seconds cars.


    I just don't advertise everytime I attend a Wednesday night or weekend race.


    Trailer queen > tow truck bill. :)


    1/3 as many? In the course of 3 years I've taken the srt down the track over a 1000 times.


    That's not a typo.... a thousand times I've got slips to prove it :lol: an the bikes made a few hundred.

    Am I able to talk now :p

  8. :D A question every legitimate mattress buyer asks! LOL


    Noo.. every buyer should ask if its been spermed on....



    Is this a sperm free bed? I belive u said u were married so I automatically assume it is a sperm free zone :D

  9. 11.501 @ 124.2.

    Rana. 18.8@122 first pass on that bike too and also got booted from the track for it :lol: good god that bike is too tall

    12.79 before the heat got turned up to epic. 12.90 on he last 4 passes all with 1.84 60's.


    I am actually happy the car ran that close to 13.00 on that many passes. Will make index racing a lot more fun later this year...

    thanks for making me a few bucks today :D
  10. well post your times


    i left the bike an srt home sooo i brought th eexpedition for the beater class :bangbang:


    ran a best of a 17.18@78.24 mph haha


    i won two 10$ races in this thing but lost 20 to sam in a purple cavalier... i had the faster 60ft, 1/8th, 1/4 an trap but my ass slept at the line his r/t was .183 to me .410 ughh haha i ran a 17.37 to his 17.48 i fail


    then took that home an brought out the v6 mustang weeeee ran a best of 15.42@89.61 dam its dirt slow


    but i did beat brian carter :bangbang:


    i made 14 passes in the mustang and 8 in the expo :lol:

    disclaimer i am slow :D

  11. youre the only i know that would seriously show up to the track, and immediately get on CR to start posting instead of enjoying the nice weather and chillen with other people getting teched


    plus, its better to trailer a car to the track, then if it breaks you already have a trailer to get it home


    If you were there you would know that when I posted this there was all of 4 cars in the staging lanes... :gtfo:


    Paul would trailer his car, but he can't afford a trailer :p

    Umm not sure where your getting that info. I've got enough money to buy one :finger: my car wouldn't need a trailer. I actually drive the thing

    lol Paul sucks

    Bunch of haters today

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