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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. i think thats a g37x...cant read the emblem very well though



    Edit:after further review mabey it was a 37... i thought they had a extreme difference like the 370z meh not sure now eathier way gayyyy

  2. haha saw this g35 an pics dont do it justice... the rims were reall wide out back but up front almost looke like a skinny but wasnt haha but the best thing is is the wing... this thing is HUGE...it was almsot as tall as the roof... the wing was 1 foot wider then the car on both sides ahahaha with enough speed it might get lift off... it made me :lol: a bit on my drive to work. didnt think someone can ruin such a nice car


    "i belive i can fly, i belive i can touch the sky, did it every night an day, spread my wings an fly awayyyyy" :D









  3. theres already a thread about a tool in a red 2010 camaro, its like half a page down from this one on the main page of the romper room....dare i say, repost?



    i never said it was the same car, fag.



    not that anyone expects you to know how to read/write


    its a different person... a different thread sooo as i said before :gtfo:

  4. I signed up for what I believe they call a hybrid class or web based class. Kinda hard to find information on how it works.


    Heres what the site says.


    A web-based course is a course in which all the instructional and laboratory sessions are completed in an on-line setting. Students are not required to attend any sessions on campus. Students may have to go to a specific location for testing, but in most cases testing can be completed at a location near you.

    two different classes there bub. u might wanna call to confirm....

  5. I told you those relays were fucked up a week ago, and you say I'm getting old.


    U said they were wearing out as in from like oldness or just stopping working.. these were physically broke boom exploded kaaaaaabooooom :lol:gonna orer the relays if i cant find them at the parts store.boats ftw!!

  6. Those have to have road noise.


    Funny enough, the Nittos are still great in the wet and snow. Since I have a company vehicle, I don't put many miles on the Avalanche any more, so those tires will likely last another 2 years. :) Hell, I pulled my company truck out of a snow drift with the Avalanche this past winter.


    Regardless of tires, I wasn't getting out of that. Really slick, and up on the frame most of the time on the passenger side. Thank god for that guy driving by, otherwise I would have had a nice tow bill getting out of that.


    They had road noise mabey the first 50 miles if that on both my sets. I figured they would wear fast nope. Been great with me driving haha burnouts racing, snow,mud sand, towinguse it to tow 2 days a week every week)


    But yea if u rarely drive it then. Ur good with what you have.



    An pshh frame rails only help u out... I had my 2wd 91 ranger stock 1 wheel wonder stuck to my frame rails all the time, as well as flipped on its side, submergeed in a lake and was able to drive out Just gotta have skill


    :joe should be better:

  7. They are Nitto Terra Grapplers. I don't want off-road tires on her...I didn't want to go off-roading. They sure as hell don't belong on a mini-van...they don't look as aggressive packed in mud - though they are worn out some (30k on them) which doesn't help. :(

    Nittos pshhhh Mickey thompson baha thank me later....2nd set. On my 2wd expedition.. currenty 45k miles an showing no wear. No road noise an never get stuck :D an yes I offroad my 2wd expo ahahahah






    But glad someone stopped to pull u out

  8. NoPe new it was gonna be crappy out an choppy so I left it home.


    I did get new bindings though. Bougt some cheap board from sports authority to get me threw vaca next week

    Did you do any boarding?
  9. :lol: yup relax was cracked an broken gotta find a new one an itll be ready to go.


    as a temporary we just swapped them back an forth to get the motor up an down so we could atleast salvage the day

  10. I thought I saw your boat out there later this afternoon, cruising by while were we prepping for more boarding. I was out from about 4-7.


    I would have been out longer, but the wife left my depth finder on the last time we were out, put the boat in...wouldn't start. :( Had enough juice for the blower, but not enough to crank over. Pulled it back out of the water, strapped her down, drove back to the house and charged it for a bit, and luckily we were good to go from there. Got two rounds of wakeboarding and a round of slalom in, then got hit by the rain as I was pulling out of the water.


    I thought I saw ur boat but wasent sure so didn't wanna reandomly come over like ughhhh hey :lol:


    An holy crap that place was smoooth as glass dammm now I see what u mean by alum being choppy haha


    Will be gong there for wakeboarding now. Only downfall is alum of crap in the water, an alottttt of wood sticking outta the water

  11. Why the hell are tards littering in the first place, and why isn't anyone saying anything when people throw crap on the ground?


    A lot of people hard to tell who threw stuff


    Thanks again doc.


    Also +1 to eric for stepping up to the dbags drifting an being unsafe :lol: told the kid straight up ...kid looked confused/scared... his friend on the other hand was mr billy bad ass ahaha


    "Jealousy's a bitch"

  12. Griggs, if you get to the corner of Fishinger and Riverside, you are pretty much at the boat ramp. Just south of Fishinger (like .2 miles).


    O'shaughnessy ramp is at the corner of Home Rd and Riverside (just south of Home Rd...like .1 miles, if that).


    O'shaughnessy would be less busy for sure. Griggs is pretty one of (or likely THE) biggest Wakeboarding areas in Ohio...tons of wakeboard boats out there. Only real rules are no PWC's or tubing. You might get a little chop on Griggs mid-day Sat/Sun, and usually never on O'shaughnessy (especially if you boat along the west side).


    I will be out tomorrow afternoon on O'shaughnessy. If you see a white w/ green Sea Ray 160 (though it has no badging other than the 160 on the back) open bow boat, come say hi to us...probably just my wife and my best friend will be out there.

    Will do. Gonna try to get some bindings an hit one of the two.

  13. Bindings should be tight, and should require lube to get into them (unless you have the hinge-type bindings), but not to the point of being painful when using them for a length of time.


    Mine will sometimes hurt a little after boarding for a while.


    I ride on 07 Gator Saints, and love them. Not cheap by any means, but you shouldn't use cheap bindings anyway.

    Yea no this is instant pain after sliding in(need lube to get in)

  14. Third best thread evar! Did you cover yourself in Crisco, and spend the day gardening damn.




    Haha crisco+sun=back back hahaa


    no I spent 3 hours Saturday then sunday9 straight house on the lakewith sunny clear skies an hot! with no sun lotion

  15. I used to almost live on Griggs (our condo was against the park that is on Griggs). No tubing or Jet-Skis, but pretty smooth, and a nice place to boat. Probably one of, if not the, biggest wake boarding areas in Ohio.


    I only live about 3 minutes from the O'shaughnessy boat ramp, so we hit that mostly now. It's like Griggs, except it is a little shorter but a little wider. Normally if you stay towards the west side, the water is glass unless it is windy. Middle and easy and it isn't as smooth. Decent amount of wakeboarding there.


    gonna try one of these places out this weekend. where are these located at? mabey some easy directions from reynoldsburg?


    also what one is better for a new wakeboarder…. my sister didnt like other boats flying past here as she was learning so I guess less busy would be better…


    also any rules that I need to know of since its smaller. ie speedlimits ect?

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