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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. You are missing the point Paul, just because you don't see me, does not mean I have not been there.

    by coming to track days i mean paying to race hence suporting cr


    Paul are you dictating what people use their vacation time for now? Holy shit you are a piece of work.
    wow you really are a shit bag where did i state how i told people how to use there time?


    i said to the people who cant go to Friday track days cause of work(typical m-f jobs) Anthony also holds track days on the weekends so politely eat shit an an walk in front of a bus

  2. track days are posted months ahead of time to plan an you cant use that i cant get off during the week cause anthony holds a trackday on the weekends too...:


    My work schedule makes it impossible to make a friday track meet unless I take vacation. Since my shit isn't fast, I don't really care to do that.


    .... :p

  3. Hey Paul, I was at hooters, met Doc, and sat next to DJ and across from Ben and Carrie. And as soon as I walked in you all of the sudden had to "go home", way to keep that streak alive. I was just out with my Daughter at the last track meet from 9am to noon, I didn't see you either. I saw many other members.


    yea i went home to go get my truck since the meet was to go snow drifting good try


    i was at the track day racing all day in the bike and the car :gtfo:

  4. please in the 3 years ive been here i have yet to see







    ever show up to a track day. know yea i understand you have a career, family ect but these track days are posted months ahead of time to plan an you cant use that i cant get off during the week cause anthony holds a trackday on the weekends too...an hey other mods find time with familys to go to them. im sure back in the day you put in your time blah blah blah but in the last 3 years pshhh




    but hey thats me im not a mod so it doesnt matter you all are too slow to keep up anyways :bangbang:

  5. +1 (Not Brian) :asshole:


    No.. he came to a few cr cars an coffee events as well as a track day.


    2of the5 mods in here actually raced at the track day...


    1 mabey 2 of the 5. Came to a Cars an coffee event/ Friday night crap meet ...

  6. Yes mods and admins rely on the members to interrogate the new applicant but just because they need a day to post pictures doesnt mean we need 25 people bitching at them to post pictures and that they fail and are pieces of shit. Help them become a better member. If you see someone has already informed them of this in the thread leave it alone. I try to keep tabs on the oven and with 48 hours if they have not met the criteria or atleast made an attempt to follow the rules I ban and lock the thread. Lets bring a more positive vibe to the site..



    Defentally less bs sections would be nice keep it more car related?

  7. What sonic? I havent been out to one of these in 3 years. Depending on the weather I might roll out for once.


    Be prepared to rollin an then roll right out, that's how lame it is





    An one make a decesion yet? Looks shitty up here in polaris half the sky is clear the other half is dark ahhhhhhhh nom nom nom

  8. There is a track day in the works for city versus city racing. It's September 17th.


    I thought about the donation thing, but don't wanna charge people on CR to be a member.


    You don't have to but I belive ohio riders used to have it there was a donations button. Keep it strictly confidential an if people wanna contribute they can, if they don't threy don't.


    Might be a thought.


    Btw making me would be a way to make cr better :)


    I still vote for a spell check it would make u alls life better :lol:

  9. Have the mods enforce keeping threads on topic bans deletions ect


    X2 on having more cr gatherings mabey once or twice a year plan a big bbq at a park so its more of a family thing.


    Anthony did it great with more local track days this year.


    Mabey have a built in spell checker :p

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