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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. bent rim?

    All 3 have been different rims lol

    Are you running pep boys 4/$99 tires ?


    I drive about 25K a year around the Columbus area and never had any issues destroying the 40-45 series tires or associated wheels. :confused:

    One was a fuzion hri one a ayokohomo as something an one was a bfg


    Just unlucky I guess

  2. Bump bump bump another bites the dust, and another one, another one, anothr one bites the dust !


    Well going to work today I hit a new fresh pothole... FML destroyed another tire yay... this is the 4th tire columbus pot holes have jacked me...


    2 on the first one months ago

    1 on my trailor tire on my boat

    An today ...



    Oh an to top it off I STILL have not recived my check from odot from the first incident :lol:


    And to add to my shit storm it wasent raining at all but the second imy buddy shows up with my spare it starts raining... an when I'm done an go on my way less then 1/2 mile it stops raining lol ahhh

  3. Bump bump bump another bites the dust, and another one, another one, anothr one bites the dust !


    Well going to work today I hit a new fresh pothole... FML destroyed another tire yay... this is the 4th tire columbus pot holes have jacked me...


    2 on the first one months ago

    1 on my trailor tire on my boat

    An today ...



    Oh an to top it off I STILL have not recived my check from odot from the first incident :lol:


    And to add to my shit storm it wasent raining at all but the second imy buddy shows up with my spare it starts raining... an when I'm done an go on my way less then 1/2 mile it stops raining lol ahhh

  4. Depends on the boating you want to do. I don't ski or any of that, and prefer alum. It really isn't that choppy. Delaware is nice only in the fact it is 2 miles from the shop and is always quiet and open for any testing.


    Not a fan of lake erie, if I am going to be driving that far might as well go another 3 hours to cumberland. Also don't like griggs or oshaughnessey, the length limits and speed limits kinda throw everything off. Their probably not bad places to ski though.


    Well boating wise my titiny boat just kinda cruises. Haha but I'm looking into a better boat inwich I will be tubing /wakeboarding off of. I keep hearing about how amazing cumberland is might check it out after the new axel goes on the boat trailer.

  5. congrats on the house. looks really nice! what part of town?




    i was thinking the same thing, but yet i see it in the garage?

    I belive he said sunburry?

    house > evo .. congrats bud hope to be in a similar place in a couple years!


    No the selling of the evo is to fund a vette :jerkit: lol

  6. I checked weather.com at 7pm, and it said 10% of rain until 11pm, so I left on my bike. Just didn't feel right, so I turned around. I was home for 20 minutes and all Hell broke loose here in Pataskala.

    Sometimes u can just feel a bad suitation

    I got caught on the mower in a down pour. :(


    Lol now that's funny! Hope u got it away in time



    Well took me an extra 20 minuites to get home I was soken wet from head to toe even with full gear on (minus gloves fml)


    The bike actually hydoplaned a few times. My butt puckered up real quick. :lol:

  7. i would like to give a big FUCK YOU to jim ganol(sp?) lol yesterday he called for the same forcast as today hard core thunderstorms(so i didnt ride my bike to work) an yet yesterday was clearrrr skies so today i figured he woudl be a tard an be wrong agian so i DID ride today lol woohoo. im about to leave work on the bike an i keep gettin alterts saying tornado sirens are going off in hilliard. westerville an reynoldsubrg(this is where im going) yay for meee :finger: you jim!
  8. I've been meaning to ask where do you all boat/jet ski at?


    I usually go to alum creek the most sometimes buckeye lake if its not god awefull choppy.


    I keep hearing about griggs resivior? All I've heard is that its no jet skis .. anyone have any info on this? Is it worth going to check out?


    Also hear about indian lake.


    Any good spots within an hour to 1.5 hour drive worth going to?

  9. miata's have priority if it fills up prob wont tho and its a hell of alot better then scca they are more relaxed her and a lot more seat time closer to 10 laps let me know if anyone is in I will be there as long as I dont work
    sooo what happens if ti does? do the people who register get booted out so that a miata can run?


    I'll be there in my bone stock gsr! do i need anything?
    u sold ur ta for a rice rocket? :gtfo:


    ull need a helmet

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