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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. I know it's kinda shitty out, but we will be doing a Buckeye Lake Bar Crawl today for my friend's bachelor party. Look for us if you happen to be out. Sucks though that I can't remember what my buddy's boat looks like it's been so long that I have been on it.


    have fun on that one... thunderstorms lightning hard wind. possibly tornados sirens going off lol

  2. Oh, excuse me, sir. I take it then that you're spending yet another Friday night hanging out with Les & Abbie at M in Miranova tonight? :rolleyes:

    Not sure who or what that is but no, no thanks

    Is this 7:30 eastern strandard or pacific time?

    That's b c time

    EST for everyone except paul

    U won't even be there anyways :lol:



    :edit: am also why's everyone jumping my shit for? I saw the plans turned to sonic so I politely said I'm out an to have a good time guy.

  3. I have to break in my clutch and rear end before I go beating on my car and break more shit, AND I have other things I need to take care off

    I ain't scared......


    What rear end did u go with?

    True statement for both of us. So close to finishing school

    I got all the time in the world to wait to walk u... :lol: I misss uuuu no omo

  4. I love these hopes an dreams threads always have the same outcome. U even notice is the suppppper slow people that always make these off the wall yea I'm gonna d this this an this. In a year.. an it never happens..


    How about this ill race u right now, u down? Ooo ooo next yea I wish I hope eeeee next year half the peoples cars will be gone... an so will you

  5. so are you gonna do this or just talk about it some more for another year?


    Pot meet kettle...


    Uve been talking for over a year about getting tuned so u can play blahblahblah :lol:


    Phil don't mind him he's just pissy cause his car has turned into a garage queen

  6. I don't remember asking "which system do you guys think is better the 360, or the PS3" I just asked if anyone had played the new maps and are they worth it

    just add to this thread if the maps are good or not


    Lol don't get ur panties in a bunch craigory ill report back tonight on how they are.

    1. Ill be downloading there here soon carnival sounds like it'll ebe fun ....
    2. this thread isn't about which system is better, you ratard
    3. http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd60/cwash77/n228232426249_8209.jpg

    u asked if anyone has . But I stated I will be assface. But just had to add in facts to that ASWELL lol :finger:

  7. Rick, a valid driver's license is needed to run at the track.
    if under 17 you have to have a parent or guardian there to sign ur waiver statuing u can race...


    the sho motor was made by yamaha.. so hold that statement. its like rice with hairy balls


    Yea but yamaha is beast an the rest of the cars a ford


    So fine yamaha>honda. Haha

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